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-Chapter 1-

The cold air of London isn't as easy to walk though as the warm Californian air. The ice stabbing my already frozen cheeks, while in California the warm air would be soothing me. The small ice bergs hanging from certain roofs would be gone and traded in for some ceiling fans. The heaters on twenty four seven would have been air conditioners. But, this is what I get for scoring low on my college entrance test. The only college that offered me a scholarship was in London, so that's why I moved across the world.

The colors of my college are grey and black. Could they be more dull? And the horrid sign "go lions!" Hung just above the entrance to the whole campus.

I found my way to my dorm quickly as, this is one of the smallest campuses in the U.K, but hey, they offered me a scholarship and under my circumstances I have no right to be picky.

My light blue converse slowly tugged along the stone flooring. Once I stepped in the elevator, I saw a man leaning against the wall. My arm stretched out to the key pad and my finger pressed the button reading, floor 4, strictly only for female freshman. Oh wait, I think Londoners have a different name for it...

I felt the mans eyes on me the whole time and after what seemed like forever we stopped on his floor, the male juniors dorms.

I heard him slump up from his position and walk past me, shifting his body so his shoulder wouldn't bump into me. I watched him walk off until the door had blocked him completely out of my sight.

Minutes later I heard another, Ding!, signaling me that the elevator arrived at its destination. I quickly adjusted my outfit before I walked out.

"Hey, Lucy! I need help!" I turn around the the voice and down the hall I see my roommate, Aubrey, trying to carry some big white box into our room. I've only known Aubrey for about three months, and I couldn't have asked for a better roommate. Especially during this shitty time. She was quite taller than me, with brown hair, and instead of a Californian accent an Australian accent rolled out of her lips. She had told me that when she was twelve her mother died, and her father decided it would be best to move closer to her brother who was Studying at a college here in London.

"Aubrey, what did you buy now?" I smile and roll my eyes at the red haired girl with shopping problems.

"Don't worry Lucy," she straightens her back and wipes a bead of sweat off her forehead before she continues, "What is in this box is a necessity."

"Last time you said that, it ended up being a cotton candy machine, and last time I checked those aren't necessary." I bend down to help the girl push in the box.

Once we entered the light gray room, I noticed she had taken down our old T.V.

"Guess what I bought!" She says after she saw me looking at the now empty self.

"Where did you get the money for another T.V?"

"I've been saving up! Between the money my mom sends me and my last birthday money it was really easy." She pulls out a knife from our kitchen area- our small dorm was just one room, the left corner had a microwave and some utensils, hence, "kitchen area".

She slices down the package quite fast, once the blade had reached the end of the box, Aubrey pulls her hand away sharply. Before I could tell what happened, she push her self off of the ground and scurried out of the dorm.

"Aubrey!" I called after her, even though I already know she most likely went to the bathroom. The pictures in the hall way past quickly until I see the sign, ladies bathrooms.

Virus- A One Direction FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang