Chapter 11: Finding Hope

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Chapter 11: Finding Hope

And true to his word Zion stayed with me the whole night. I had woken up from the most blissful sleep I have ever had. I felt like I was back at the cave again. I can feel Zion's warmth around me and hear the low snores coming from him. All I could think about was that I cant wait to discover more about him. The fabric of who he is just entices me. I feel as if everything so far I known about him has made me like him even more. I just hope this feeling I have for him doesn't turn out the same way I felt for Angelo.

In the back of my head I know that for some reason that it wont happen. That Zion cant hurt me the way Angelo did. The betrayal was the worst feeling ever. I don't care that he rejected my love for him but the betrayal in our friendship is what hurts the most. I mean we were best friends forever. We clicked instantly. I can just remember the day we met like it was yesterday.

"Toby please give me my toy back. Please"

"Aww does the poor baby want its toy back. Well you can have it."

And with that said I saw my Transformer flying across the playground to the other side. I saw it crashing on the floor breaking into million pieces before my eyes.

I remember going home crying that night. It wasn't till the next morning that my crush on Angelo started. I was walking into class when he came up to me with a gift.

"Here you can have mine if you want." Younger Angelo said while handing me another transformer. "Toby is a meanie don't pay attention to him. My name is Angelo, what's yours?"

"My name is Jayden."

And that's how our friendship started. From that day on we became in separable.....Well until now that is. I just cant believe that sweet Angelo that I knew was only an illusion. I feel so betrayed by the way he is acting towards me, I thought our friendship can last through anything. Clearly my love for him has blinded me from the monster he truly is. Angelo is the real monster in my life not Zion.

I felt Zion shift, moving me with him. I guess its time to wake up. Sadly I don't want to wake up, I like laying in his arms. I feel so safe and loved in his embraces. But reality is knocking and we cant ignore it. If I could I so would.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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