My Sister's Revenge

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So here I am, in a so glorious place called the Hamptons, where all the rich people live their lifes. If you ask me why I'm here, then the answer is because of my sister, Amanda Clarke.


“Hey Jade, come here for a sec.” My Best friend Taylor said, gesturing me to follow her.

“What's up?” I ask as soon as we are away from the crowd.

“Have you heard about your sister?” Her face full with concern.

“What about?” I ask, still having no clue about what she's going to say.

“She's dead...”

“What?! You can't be serious! You're joking right?” I shouted, hoping that this isn't true. It's just unreal. I haven't even meet her, she's still so young, and I have to beleive that she's gone?

“I'm so sorry Jade... I saw it in the news this morning.” 

My legs are shaking, and so are my hands, I fall to the ground and burst into tears. Taylor kneels down and gives me a hug, comforting me for what seems like hours.

Taylor is the only person, appart from my parents that know about my sister Amanda Clarke, she also help me with searching about my sister's life. You see, when I was 12, my parents gave me a box, when I open it, it's filled with photos. Photos of some people that I don't even recognize. I looked through all of it, and I still don't know who they are, untill I see on the back of it. There were some writtings, some that says David, Kara, and Amanda. There's also one that says Jade and Kara, and this one photo of a baby, with a writtings on the back “Jade Annabelle Wallace” that's my name, well accept for the wallace part my name is Jade Annabelle Campbell.

I actually got even more confuse, why on earth did my parents give me these photos. So I ask them, and they explain it all to me, explain to me that I was adopted, that the people in the photos are my real familly, and my real last name was Wallace. They tell me when I was born, my mother and father are allready sepparated, and my Dad didn't know that I even exist. My mother was sick at that time, and she knows that she couldn't raise me. So she gave me to her friends, which are my parents now. They also tell me that my father was framed by the Grayson, and he got arested when I was three, and when my sister was eight. They also told me that my father, David Clarke, is dead. I really don't know how to respond to that, basically they are telling me that my real familly is a one big mess. My father is dead, my mother is nowhere to be found, and my sister is in the juvie.

Ever since that day I kinda created some distance from my parents, I started to search about my sister, but I'm no computer expert so I basically failed to find any information other than articles about how Amanda Clarke is the daughter of a terorist, David Clarke. But I learn to do lots of techy stuff, I didn't learn fast, but I got better every day, and started to get information about my sister past live. When she live in a foster care home, and lots of stuff from her childhood.

When I was fourteen, I move to London because I wanted a different kind of scene. In there I meet Taylor, who became my Best friend till now. When we became closser I tell her about my sister and she help me on finding my sister. But when we finally find her, my parents wont let me meet her. They say that she's a bad influence, and with me having not enough money to travel to my sister's place, I can't do anything. But I never stoped searching information about her. I found out more stuff about her, how she now live in the Hamptons, and I also hear the news about her falling from the second floor of the Grayson's property, but I was really glad that she's okay.

So don't blame me for crying because I just found out that she's dead, because since a little kid I always wanted to have a sister. I'm 21 now and I'm studying in a university, and ever since I was 17, I started my own bussiness, and allready colected the money to visit my sister, but THAT happend so all my effort all this years is like a waste. But I still didn't stop after finding out about it, I decided to actually go to the Hamptons by my self, see how she use to live, with who, and just got to know her more. In the Hamptons I didn't really show my self to the neighbourhood, I investigate secretly, I started digging up more about her in Allenwood. I actually go there my self, and sneak in to get my sister's file, to find out why she was put in there. But instead of finding out about that, I found out about something else more shocking. The Amanda Clarke that I've been tracking and searching about isn't really Amanda Clarke, she's Emily Thorne. How did I know that? Because I know that she has been friends with Emily Thorne, and her face is the one that's in the picture on Amanda Clarke's file. And the photo in the Emily Thorne's file is the fake Amanda Clarke. I don't know why on earth does she need to do that. So I decided to follow her, the real Amanda Clarke, and after a few months, I found out that she's out for Revenge on the Grayson.

*Flashback End*

Before I arrived at the Hamptons I have allready stopped by my parents house to get my car. My parents is not home and on a bussiness trip, they don't know about this, cause if they know then they wouldn't allow me to go there. I have bought a Place in the Hamptons and build my own home, right next to Amanda's house. I parked my mini cooper on the driveway, take my stuff out of my car, put it inside my house, and settle in.


So I wouldn't be posting any chapter for this story anytime soon, because I'm finishing my first story first, and also because how stressful high school can be, I was thinking of posting the first Chapter for this story when I have a public holiday or maybe when I have a long holiday. But I hope you guys are interested with my story so far, and I hope this one have way more readers than my first story :D And if you don't mind please help me promote this story, thanks :)

Disclaimer : I didn't own Revenge or any Characters in it, I just own my character that I make and the story that I write

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