chapter 1 the hospital

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The rain is sad, but comforting when there is no other sounds besides the beeping of hospital machines. Its less lonely especially since I really never have company. Most of my family comes to visit about once a year. Except my mom, she comes twice a week. She would come more often but her job needs her more than I need her. Majority of my life is making sure I don't sit in one position too long. If I do I get sores. The rest of my life is just making sure my mom knows that I understand the reason that she can't be here with me 24/7. Even though I miss her im terrified that she is going to quit her job one day and she won't have enough money to pay for my funeral.
*Knocking outside the hospital room.*

"Come in!"

"Hey Nat, how are you doing today." *said nurse Mary*

"As always it's not perfect but, it could be worse I guess."

*Putting a new medical bag on the machine* nurse Mary says " well maybe that will help, I increased your lidocaine so the pain won't bother you so much."

"Thank you nurse Mary."

"You know you can just call me Mary, right"

"Yes ma'am I know but, it sounds rude to me."

"Okay silly I hope that medicine helps." *Says nurse Mary*

*While waving* "Thank you nurse mary. . . Sorry, Mary."

*Door shuts*

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