The Li'l Box

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Once upon in Nowhereland, there lived a fine maiden. The gods above love her dearly, and so was Lady Zyvaj, their land's ruler, her majesty.

One fateful time on her afternoon stroll, behold that youth who caught her sight, our fair maiden's heart fall.

'Oh Venus! Aphrodite!

Your son Cupid has finally found me!'

--- she gasped within her thought.

And from time to time, when she happen to that stroll, so full her heart hope that pretty lad who caught her, soon, soon as time permits, to her he'll fall.

But no matter how long this fine maiden wait, not a single glimpse from that youth reciprocate.

And so the gods, to their pity and love of her, set forth Hermes, the divine messenger, to save her li'l heart that'll perish, something they can't bear to allow.

"Dear.. my dear,  

Don't waste thy affection. 

Can't you see that youth is blind? 

There's no way such feeling 

from him to you will follow. 

By the gods' decree and of Jove's will,  

save thy heart before pain instill!"

Through his words, fair maiden could've sworn, she'll never drew back, forget that love she want to own. But knowing the gods and Jove of high Olympus, she knew not disobey. And knew her pair of soul will soon arrive, by fate and through faith in time she'll be waiting.

And with this, a favor was asked, that divine Hermes could've not granted not when she pleads, assuring she'll be fine when it was casts.

"Oh please I beg

if hurt wasn't mine to perceive,

then take my heart,

oh Mercury, go keep it!

I can't be in touch with something

that's too fragile,

I'd rather feel nothing

if I'll end up with the wrong one!"

As sudden as it was asked, the magic made its share. Fair maiden's heart now was moved, placed on that li'l box with care.

Thus, it was the beginning of her curse --- the maiden left just as a creature threat all the earth. A hideous one who knows no affection that even the Olympian deities couldn't do an action for it will only stop the day that lovely maiden return.

It was what everyone hope and only Hermes knew, but he wouldn't tell. That the key was with the li'l box, that box that will only open, when the fated prince would find it in time to hold her heart and say;

"Oh Venus! Aphrodite!

Your son Cupid has finally found me!"


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