Chapter 2: A dramatic Adventure

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Your POV:

I woke up to the sound of crashing waves. I slowly tried to sit up but failed, crashing back down onto the stone floor. I opened my sore eyes to see cave walls surrounding me, except for an entrance, looking out to sea. But what was strange was that there was a fire. I squinted my eyes to see a Dark grey figure across from the fire. "Huh..." The figure bolted its head up and faced towards me. I painfully leaned myself against a rock to get a better brow of the creature. 'She's the same dragon from last night...' I took in her features, long wings, a long tail with tail flaps on either side, And a semi-large head with Sapphire eyes. The species of dragon she was instantly popped into my head. 'Nightfury... But I thought they were all extinct... At least that's what I heard from the crew members aboard that wretched ship. I'm just glad to be outta there...' Suddenly I yelped, experiencing a burst of pain coming from the wound in my side, remembering the splintered wood impaling me the night before. The Nightfury got up and slowly walked over to me and looked at me dead in the eyes with something that was completely unexpected for me... Worry and Care. This dragon was worried about me... It saved my life. I reached my had out to it, the Sapphire-eyed dragon hesitating for a moment, then pushed it's muzzle into my palm making a purring noise. I smiled at it, "I think I'll call you... Sapphire." She laid next to me and gave me a toothless grin, making me chuckle. "Retractable teeth, cool. And I'll take that as a yes to the name." Sapphire placed her head in my lap, making me Yelp In pain from the weight. He bolted her head up whimpering, then licked my cheek as if she were trying to comfort me. I smiled as she laid her head next to me, as my eyes grew heavier and heavier. I was extremely weak. So, I let myself slowly fall into deep sleep.

Hiccups POV:

"Alright gang, let's spread out. I know I found a new dragon through that storm! It could be at any of these island so let's split up. The twins and Snotlout will go south. Astrid, you go East. Fishlegs, west. I'll go north." They all nodded as we split up into our own directions, looking for the new dragon Toothless and I saw during the flight back to the edge in a storm. It seemed to be carrying something but I don't know what... "Who knows what'll be bud. Maybe another night fury." He looked back and me and gave me his famous, toothless grin. I chuckled as we headed north, slowly coming up on another island as night fell. "Ok bud, we're gonna have to land here for tonight." We landed on the beach of a new island, I jumped down from Toothless's saddle and looked out into the forest. "How'bout we explore this tomorrow huh bud? Bud?" I looked around for toothless but he was heading towards a nearby cave with a flickering light inside. 'Weird... I didn't see that there...' I followed toothless to the cave and slowly peeked inside to find a Girl about my age with tangled H/C hair and a painful expression on her sleeping face... She looked oddly familiar. But what was next to her gave me a shock. Another nightfury just like Toothless... But it was a dark grey instead of Night black like toothless, and it was female. A dimly lit fire flickered in front of the girl and the sleeping dragon next to her, probably not hot enough to keep her warm. I slowly made my way inside trying not to make enough noise to wake them, but being the clumsy fool I am, I tripped from my metal peg leg, alarming the dragon into a battle position, her jaws gaped and ready to fire. Toothless jumped in front of me and huffed at the female who then calmed down and stepped forward to me. I raised a hand out to her, "Hey, Hey it's ok. It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you or your friend..." She hesitated for a moment, then slowly put her head in my palm. She then went behind me and pushed me to the girl and whimpered. I looked down at the familiar woman and realized why the dragon was being so protective... "She's hurt... Toothless! Come'ere bud." He bounded towards me as I grabbed some rags, a water bottle, a bowl and herbs out of the saddlebag on the side of his saddle. Toothless then bounded off and started 'talking' to the female Nightfury. It's just so astonishing that he's not the last one... And this is a female... This could be their last chance to rebuild their species. I shook my head, returning to the matter at hand. The girl had a large splinter of wood bulging out her side. I took a deep breath and pulled it out, flinching at the unconscious girl yelping in pain. I grabbed the bowl and dumped the herbs into it, then grabbing a rock to crush and mix them so I could add the water to make an ointment to stop any infection. After I spread the Ointment on her wound and wrapped the rags around her waist, I noticed something strange. On the same side as her side-wound, she had an 'X' cut into her arm. "Strange... I wonder what happened to her..." I shook it off and wrapped the cut on her arm with another rag to stop the bleeding. I sat next to her, thinking about why she seemed so familiar... I shook my head and grabbed a blanket and laid it on her. 'I'll find out who she is when she wakes up. Hopefully after this storm...' I sat by her looking out the cave entrance at the rain, pouring down onto the sand, letting myself slowly drift to sleep.

Your light, My own darkness (A Hiccup x Reader Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now