Chapter 1

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In a galaxy far, far ,away there was this one man named Clyde Genes he was a simple man with simple cares and simple needs he is a member and crew worker on the death star he has been for roughly 17 years he is 64.

Before he worked on the death star, he worked at the bank of elderon for 20 years then it blew up. So he lost his job. He went here and became darths right hand man and that was good because if he didn't like him, then Clyde would not be as alive as he is right now (meaning darth would execute him.) So today was the day Clyde was gonna tell darth about retirement.

At this moment Clyde thought of the time he had here going around being evil but that was not Clyde he was a nice person he helped a lot of people back in the day so as the years he grew a evil side but that was gone because of his retirement so he went to darth and told he was retiring and was all mellow saying "okay have i'll miss you Clyde hope you have fun".
So Clyde went off and came home to his wife on cloud city so Clyde got off the space train walked to his house and noticed the door was broke so he took out his mod VII and crept in as he did that a stormtrooper was walking out with blood on his armour so Clyde told him to freeze the stormtrooper looked knew it was Clyde so the stormtrooper pushed Clyde out of the way and ran off the edge of cloud city to his death no one really knows the bottom.

He ran into the house kept yelling for his wife Daisy but she did not answer he searched the bathroom,closet,dining room,and even the bedroom but nothing he didn't know where else to check then he thought about the attic so he opened it up climbed the ladder to see his wife Daisey on the floor whiter than the snow on hoth he ran to her blood completely drained out of her. his eyes wetter than the planet Kashyyyk he did not know what to do he was full of rage to vader why did he send his men after his wife was it because he retired or was it the fact that Clyde was a rebel and a stormtrooper at the same time.

He needed a job so he went to the death star and they payed unlike the rebels but he stayed loyal to both to not seem suspicious but it shows loyalty is not cared for in the dark side so Clyde thought and thought on how to go with a come back but it did not come to him he never would have thought that the stormtroopers were going to disobey so Clyde was thinking just come clean so he did he went to vader and told him what happened he said that he has not made any orders yet he must went rogue then he told me that he was sorry for my loss and he is going to come and pay and host the funeral so i thought he could have never had killed or sent a man to kill my wife if so why host and pay something does not add up.

He went to Han solo and Leia he asked them but they had no answer which was odd they are spy type people so i stayed with them for a day and got to see their 7 year old son Terrence he is adorable when he talks it sounds like old jar jar binks but he will grow out of that voice or han will be curious so after the day went by Clyde went to hoth to see if anything big happened but nothing it was odd too this is a perfect place to hide from people except if you are luke skywalker because even a yeti found him so don't take advice from that hot head I mean his father is the galaxies most known villain.

So he went there still nothing so then tatooine was next too see if he could find answers and sure enough there were.C-3PO was there with a reboot he was still gold but he could move his body fluent he seemed normal but still the same face I asked him he said that darth sent him he was there when it happened he was doing a favor for R2 he hid and heard darth saying to send someone to kill you since you are a rebel he figured that out by you wearing a rebel helmet that day on accident so he wanted me gone.

At that moment he said that he got out of there as fast as he can because darth turned his head and it looked like he was looking straight at me but he didn't try to call. It was almost like he was hoping i would leave. He told Clyde to leave he said that i'm not safe no one is there. Clyde went off to the Death Star.

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