Dear society

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Dear society,
You told me  I could be anything i wanted to be
But within reason.
I said I wanted to be a princess
But you pushed me down and
Told me I was not beautiful or fit enough to be a princess
You teach us young society,
That if we are not fit to your image
We are nothing
Once I got older and in middle school it got worse society
I got pushed even harder
I got told that if i wanted to be beautiful stop eating
So I did for the longest time
I wanted to feel beautiful and people told me that i was
But how do you believe that when society pushes you over the edge
And if for one simple second if you thought you were beautiful
Then people told you that you were conceited.
What do you want me to do society
You want me to fit in this image
Or die trying
I got told that I was not Society's standards of beauty
Girls have to hurt themselves over
What is really  not a true definition of beauty,
Beauty comes within the heart
Society told me that only ugly people say
That, girls my age have to be afraid of mirrors
because that if you look at it the wrong way
You could be either conceited or narcissistic
When the boys laugh and the
Girls sneer because all they see is fat and not you
It is really hard to love yourself when
People make fun of you for being you
I can be one of those girls I really can
But that is  what you want me to be  society
Make me feel bad so then i can fit into your
Image of beauty
My step dad told me i was a bigger girl
He at one point told me to fit into
Society's image and do
Whatever it takes to
"Fit In"
As if it is a bad thing to not
Fit in to be myself
You picked me up then pushed me down
as I was trying to be myself society
But if that mattered to you
Why are there all these expectations
If you wanted me to be myself
You look at me the wrong way
If i dress up when no one else is
If i don't follow the trend
But you expect me to smile
As if  nothing is wrong when i get pushed into the ground
And i do cause you can't tell the difference can you society
When you see no one texts or responds to you when you have nothing important to say
Just replied with the letter k.
But when they need something like homework answers
Then you are a really important
But if you needed something
You get treated like some low class citizen
Don't deny it we all done it
That's  how society works doesn't it
And all the magazines that you have
"Get thin fast "
Like we have to be barbie dolls and we have to be perfect
Or we have to have bodies of models or we are considered as fat
So society wants me to have a mask hide everything inside
Be pretty, Be smart, And thin
Or die trying they tell me
"maybe she was born with maybe it is maybeline"
They are selling artificial beauty
They will do anything to make you feel
Worthless and at times they make you feel like you are the most
Important person when they need you
Why do we have to be perfect society
Girls just simply decide to hate there
Bodies along the way society teaches us
along the way the person who seemed to be unbreakable
Broke along the way society
Heart  like paper ripping it along the way
You can't put that back together no matter
Hard and fake your apologies were
No  one really cared unless something dramatic happens
Society you are a monster
We build walls and we change the way we are
To make you happy
We change our personality hurt people
To make you happy
People become depressed because of you
But you say that they are attention seekers
We want to show are talents to be happy and be free without worry
But we stop short and apologies for speaking at all
Because people that she knew and that she loved broke her down
By making her lower then them
Telling her to shut up
Ignoring the most beautiful words
And tell them to shut up that no one cares
Society they are not born sad
You are making them that way
Where you have to hold your tears back or if you show a tear
They say you are weak and helpless
No society that is not it at all
If you want to cry then cry because
you been strong for too long
But i have one thing to say
I am so proud of you
You are beautiful and you are worth it
And if you want to be a princess be a princess
be who you want to be and don't let anyone tell you differently
I have nothing more to say society
i'm not afraid you anymore

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