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Ello people of wattpad as a fellow jackbam and markjin shipper I am sad mad well just a mix of emotions cause of this vid I watched where Jackson and jinyoung go on a date don't get me wrong I love Jackson jinyoung mark my husband *cough cough* bambam
And all the other members of got7 ( youngjae Jaebum yugeom) but I am really disappointed in Jackson right now he is one of my favorite members but he hurt bambams heart just look at him and marks face when he asked jinyoung on a date (picture above) well this is just my opinion on this topic please please please don't hate me I still love Jackson just a little disappointed right now but anyways what's your opinion on this topic if u haven't seen the vid I'll put it in the other chapter BYE 😊

jinson has ruined meKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat