Can we go. Please Natsu.

18 4 1

Lucy is so upset, she has to retell you what happened to make her feel better, in a way.

I'm at the request board and I find a quest, a dangerous quest and I know I will never be aloud to go on my own. I cant pass up the opportunity though.

I sprint off to natsus place. Natsu! "Come in!" Natsu yells.I enter and its a pig stie, clothes everywhere. "What do you need Majita." Um, Natsu.
"Get on with it Majita." Natsu i found a quest, but i cant go on it alone. Will you come on the quest with me please Natsu?
"Of course I love to go on quests!"
Natsu, we cant tell anyone about this quest though. Please dont ask why.

I ran home to my place. I pack the selestial keys that Lucy gave me. I also pack some fire protection, Natsu can get a little out of hand with his fire breath. "I wonder when we will get back?" I make sure to pack food (mainly fish for Happy,) we all get pretty hungry.

I have a shower and Natsu introuds. He enters the bathroom. NATSU GET OUT! "Oh, um sorry Majita. Are you ready to go yet?" Well yeah I will be, ONCE I'M DRESSED! "I'll leave you to it then I will be in the living room with Happy."
I quickly get dressed and grab my bag. Lets go Natsu. Come on Happy.

Natsu Nooooooo!!!! (Natsu x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن