Could It Be?

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Spencer's P.O.V

"Oh my gosh." My wife, Marissa, says, pulling me from my dreams. As I finally tug my eyes open she's running across the room to our adjoining bathroom, the sunlight beaming through the window framing her small, skinny body, and her long black hair lifts off her back with the wind created by her run across the room.

It doesn't hit me that she's puking until she drops to her knees, her hair framing her face as the retching sounds fill the room. Before I can think another coherent thought I'm already up and in the bathroom with her, holding her hair back and rubbing her back gently. "It's okay, Rissa, you're okay, just let it out." I say to her softly and encouragingly.

This goes on for another minute or so- her losing whatever's left from last night's dinner, and me holding her hair back and encouraging her gently- before she finishes. She weakly reaches up to flush away the vile vomit before leaning back against me for support as she gains her bearings.

I release the gentle hold I have on her hair and kiss her forehead. She's shaking and tears are streaking her cheeks because her eyes are watering. "Darling, it's alright. I'm sure you're just coming down with the flu or something."

"Yeah." She replies weakly, standing and stepping across the room to the sink to brush her teeth. I sit back against the wall and stare up at her.

"Babe, you look beautiful." I say gently to her.

She looks over at me, raising an eyebrow in a disbelieving expression at me, as she brushes.

"You are. I swear it." I speak up a little more.

"Sure. I won't argue." She says simply, spitting in the sink.

Once she finishes she puts everything away, leaning against the sink and closing her eyes. I stand slowly and make my way over to my beautiful wife. I stroke her hair back as I stand next to her. "Do you wanna go back to bed?" I ask gently and she nods, giving me all the permission I needed to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to the warm blanketed utopia.

As I'm covering her up again, my phone rings. I go around to my side of the bed to check and it's Garcia.

"Hello?"  I say, answering and pressing my phone to my ear.

"Oh, good, I didn't wake you. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you gotta leave my lovely best friend and come in for a while. It shouldn't be more than today we're just gonna be cleaning and closing some files."

"Garcia-,"  I start, glancing over at my already dozing, beautiful wife. "Rissa is really sick today, she woke up puking a lot. I honestly think she's coming down with the flu or something. I'll come in though, I'll just need to let her know I'll be back soon."

"Sounds good, Boy Wonder, I'll see you soon." She says, hanging up. I place my phone down and sit next to Marissa on the bed, shaking her gently.

"Baby, that was Garcia. She says we have to come in today to finish up some files and such. I want you to stay in bed today. No strenuous activity: no working out, no cleaning today, just stay in bed and only get up for obvious reasons: bathroom, food, or if you're gonna be sick again. You need all the rest you can get."

She nods gently at me and falls back into her sleep. I smile at her and commence getting ready to go into the office. After I'm dressed and completely ready, I grab my keys and my satchel, heading out the door.

I smile as I get into my newer car, thinking of Marissa, she'd insisted that I get something newer and better than what I had, so I did, and it was the best decision ever.

As I head off towards work I think about why Marissa might be sick. She hasn't eaten anything bad or uncooked, she's a really healthy young woman and she takes great care of herself.

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