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The wind was blowing, and the air was cool.

Cassandra, a 16 year old girl with brown hair walked through the city streets of Los Angeles, California. She had just moved to California from Ohio, about a week ago.

Her father was offered a much better job in California than he had in Ohio, so her family moved.

She had just finished unpacking her stuff, so she decided to take a walk around town and look at the shops.

She was wearing black jeans, a red shirt, black Converse, black glasses, and a small black backpack.
(Picture of outfit at the top)

Since it was mid September, she wanted to dress sort of warm. It was Saturday and she had to go back to school on Monday. Cassandra always had trouble with meeting new people, she was extremely shy.

Back in Ohio she had a small group of friends, she was never really popular. People would always make fun of her for reading and writing books.

Cassandra just loved the idea of transforming herself into different characters and just escaped her boring life. When she was writing books she just felt so free. She could turn herself into a fictional character and create scenarios she wanted to happen in real life.

Cassandra's POV

As I was walking, I saw a bookstore. I thought it looked cozy, and there aren't many people in there so I should just go in. I was about to walk in and I see a very interesting book.

I don't think of myself as the person to judge a book by it's cover. But it just looks so interesting.

I walk curiously torwards the book with all of my attention on it. Not focused on anything at all except the book.

I suddenly stumble to the floor. "Ouch" I say as I feel the pain in my side. "Oh my god, I am so so sorry." I hear a girl say as I am trying to stand up again. "Here let me help," the girl says taking my hand and lifting me up. "It's alright." I say brushing my knees off.

"I'm Cassandra," I say in a friendly tone. "Hi, I'm Violet," She says back to me. "Are you new here, I haven't seen you around before?" Violet says, studying my face. "Yeah, I actually just moved here a week ago." I say. "Oh wow, do you like it here so far?" She says curiously. "Yeah I guess, this is the first time I "explored" Los Angeles," "I have been busy unpacking." I say. "Yeah, I see. Well I'm pretty sure you're gonna like it here!" She says cheerfully.

"Yeah, hopefully," I say back. "Alright, well, I need to get back to work. Ask me if you need any help finding a book." "Ok, sure thing."

She starts walking away and I start walking to the book I saw earlier. I get to the book and pick it up. I start to read the back and think to myself that, it isn't really interesting. "Of course, that's why I try not to judge a book by it's cover." I whisper to myself. I look around and I see a couple of good books, but I decide I won't buy any books today.

I start walking towards the exit and try to find Violet. I spot her and wave goodbye to her.

She jogs over to me and we switch numbers. We say our goodbyes and I head out of the store and start my way home.

Well that's the first chapter of this book!!! This is actually my first time writing a book so sorry if it sucks. I hope you like it and I will try to write chapters whenever I can! Make sure to:
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Bye love💖💙 -Leila

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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