20 - Chapter Twenty - 20

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20 – Chapter Twenty - 20

Nothing happened to me that day.  None of the doctors came to check on me, in fact they were all keeping their distance.  When I had come out of the shower, I could hear some nurses talking about how Tom and Ralph had been attacked by something and were both in the infirmary.  Their legs look like they had claw marks all over them. 

I couldn’t help the smile on my face when I heard them say that.  After all these years of those two dragging me off towards the treatment rooms, they were now getting what they deserved.  They deserved to be put in as much pain as they had put me in.  I just wished that I could somehow get to the head doctors and make them feel a pain much worse than even them, make them suffer every torment that they had put me through themselves.

Could I do that? I wondered as I went back to my room and sat down on my cot.  No, I couldn’t, no matter how much I wanted to, I knew that I couldn’t.

‘The world is dripping away.’

When nothing happened after another hour passed, I brought out my notebook that Jake had bought me.  I was surprised to see that someone had washed all my clothes and all my things had been left there.  When I saw my clothes were washed, I instantly thought that someone had taken away my books and everything, but I found them where I had put them last.  No one had touched them, or taken them away.

Sure I was happy about it, but it made me feel uncomfortable.  They usually at least went through all my things, if they had looked through the notebook they would have taken it and burned it.  They wouldn’t want it to get out, but I was glad that I still had it.  I was glad that they hadn’t touched any of my stuff like they normally would have.

‘Drip drip drip.’

I started to write in the notebook, always looking towards the door to see if there was going to be a nurse or a doctor.  If they did see me writing in it they would take it away from me, even if they didn’t see what I was writing.  Yet as the day wore on, I looked less and less at that door.  They weren’t coming to look on me.  If it was for Tom and Ralph, or just because they didn’t want to bother, no one came to check on me or anything.

And as the day wore on, I got a surprising amount done.  By the time that I was finished writing my hand ached from writing so much and I was almost halfway through the notebook.  The thought that I was halfway through disappointed me more than anything.  I hadn’t thought that I would be writing so much, but I had.

‘The world continues on.’

Even as it turned into night, no one came.  The thought brought a smile to my face, I liked the idea that they wouldn’t come and check on me.  It gave me a sense of ease; I hadn’t even seen Dr. Stanza.  He should be out of the infirmary by now, he hadn’t gotten any serious wounds, just enough to frighten him and he wouldn’t even remember what had happened.

The shadows became more prominent as the night descended.  I watched them jumping and dancing against the wall, I even frowned when I saw another one attack a smaller one again.  They did like to attack each other, even though I wanted to join them, I didn’t want to get attacked or be the attacker.  I just wanted to have some fun and dance.  These shadows looked like they were always dancing, or maybe that was just how they moved.

The lights clicked off overhead and I sighed.  It was curfew for the patients that they didn’t want roaming around.  I could hear footsteps going down the hall and when I looked, I saw a nurses head go by, but stopped in front of my door.  I frowned at the top of her head when I heard a soft click before she scuttled away.

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