When the clock strikes 12

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"How many months has it been now?"  Laura asks me and Charley from across the table. I look up quickly looking to Charley who looked bemused.
   "Yeah Ash, how many months has it been?" Charley asks slyly.
    Of course they were both talking about how many months me and Charley had officially been together. I scratch my head adding up the months since I had first met Charley. It was coming up to New Year's so I counted back from there. "6 months" I finally answer grinning widely. 
   "Wow 6 months" Laura adds. Come to think of it half a year was a long time. They had been 6 months well spent. 
   "Yep 6 amazing months" I grin throwing my arm around Charley. "You didn't think I would remember when we first met?" I ask.
   "Of course I did, just testing" she giggles. 
   "'So what are you guys doing for new year's eve?" Joe asks. I look at Charley who just shrugs.
    "I guess we haven't really thought about it" I reply.
    "Well you're in luck I'm having a party around mine if you're both game?" he asks.
    "Um well I don't know about that. A party where I will get drunk, dance and make a fool of myself or staying home with my little brother and parents watching the TV" I hold my hands up as if weighing up my options. "Hard choice."
   "We'll be there" Charley finally pipes up. I glare at her, I wanted to annoy Joe some more.
   "I guess I'll be at home watching TV" I sigh trying not to laugh. I look at Charley who is frowning at me.
   "Oh come on you wouldn't leave Charley hanging when the clock strikes 12?" Laura asks. I'm pretty sure no one ever knew when I was being serious or sarcastic, I roll my eyes.
    "Of course not. You know I'll be right beside Charlotte to bring in the New Year albeit slightly dunk" I laugh.
   "Slightly drunk? Don't you mean totally smashed out of your head? If last new year's was anything to go by you won't even know its new year at all" Joe laughs at my expense. 
   "Well I say bring it on. And that includes a drunken Ashley too. It'll be the best new year's party ever" Charley says enthusiastically.

"You did say if it includes a drunken Ashley it'll be the best new years party ever if I remember, so I'm starting early" I say sticking my tongue out childishly before grabbing my glass of rum and coke. We were getting ready for Joes party. I was wearing a dress...yes a dress that showed more skin than it covered.  Charley wore a beautiful dress. We had already been drinking for about an hour.
   "Yes but we're also going to have a drunk Charley too at this rate" she almost slurs her words. She was a light weight when it came to shots.
   "We better get to the party before we spend the whole of new years in here" I chuckle grabbing an unsteady Charley.
   "New year's spent in your bedroom? That could work out amazingly...new years going out with a bang" she giggles at her own joke before I lead her out to the taxi.

   "My favourite girls" Joe gushes throwing his arm around us. Laura frowns at him which makes me laugh. "My second favourite girls of course, go in and get some drinks."  We hastily follow Joe's orders and grab some more drinks from the kitchen.
   I didn't recognise many people at the party but me and Joe had ran in totally different crowds at school and then went to a different colleges so it didn't surprise me. I noticed that the music was actually pretty good as I made my way to the huge living room. Joe's parents had divorced and Joe lived with his mum who had got the house and a lot of his dad's money. I wondered where his mum was to tonight. I held Charley steady who currently had a bottle of vodka in her hand.
   "Whoa slow down there girl" I laughed taking away the full bottle of vodka.
    "Then dance with me instead if I can't drink" she complains.
    "Ok come here" I grab her waist as we begin dancing to the music.
     A few songs later Charley stumbles her way through the crowd towards the toilets. "Bad timing Charley, bad timing" I mumble to myself as I notice the clock was about to strike 12. I run into the direction of the toilet and into the hall. I hear everyone counting down. 
     "Charley!" I shout. 
    "2,1...ow" I hear someone moan as I realise I've tripped over into them.  I avoid landing on the floor this time but soon realised I was gripping someone's arms. 
   "I'm so sorry" I mumble releasing them from my grip. I pull my crumpled dress down to cover my dignity and look up into a pair of startling green eyes.

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