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So here I am... sitting at the end of the row on a grassy field listening to the student rep speak, the cliche soppy word's that you say at graduation day just to impress the parents, most probably the twisted truth, parents don't usually know every bad and good thing that happens, they always cut out the fights that go on in school or they'd simply say 'disagreements', besides it is graduation, it has to be happy. So you've probably guessed it, today is graduation day of high school. My Mother is here with my sister Felicia, Felicia is 15 years old so she still has a bit left to go till she leaves school. 

The speech ended and everyone clapped, I got off my seat as did everyone else, I saw lots of groups of high school students with smiles or tears either way it was the end of school, people were moving on to university or travelling the world, or some people were just going to stay here and find some work. I turned around to see my best friend Jessica running towards me, she was an outsider coming to see my graduation, she attends a different school and has a year left till she graduates, we met through friend's of the family. She gave me a big hug, "Well done, you've finished" she yelled over the noise of chattering and laughter, "I know" i said with an excited yet nerving smile, it is a bit scary that it's all over and my life will have a change from the normality of high school. 

Then I saw my friend Chelsea coming over, Chelsea also graduated at the school, she just about finished, we wasn't sure if she would as she became pregnant a couple months before the end of the year, yet she was strong and was striven to finish and graduate school, she worked so hard in class and wanted to succeed in the subject she started, and what she wanted she was going to get. I hugged her as she got closer and we congratulated each other in our achievement, there was so much work to be done by the end of the year, we spent ages in school even over time just to complete the remaining assignments, which we finally did. 

Chelsea and I both walked into the school building to collect up our stuff from our lockers and class rooms, there was so many work books we had to take home, Photography was our main subject and it was something we both loved... some people in our class dropped out, some have decided to study something different having felt Photography wasn't their thing, and others like Chelsea and I strongly stuck to the art of Photography. 

Mum and Felecia found us inside along with Jessica following them behind, they all helped us collect our stuff. By the time we were collecting the last bits everyone else had started collecting their things and the teachers were clearing the chairs and stage away outside and some teachers were tidying their class rooms. 

I actually can't believe it's over we've finished school and i'm not going to see most of the people here, Abigail Green, the one that got A's and A*'s in mostly all of her subjects including English Literature, Maria Woods, the girl I was friend's with in Physical education, Simon Jones, the guy I had a crush on for the first 2 months until I decided he wasn't worth it, Hollie Pearson, the girl who thought she was the best and was practically realities version of a preppy 'mean girl' yet had poor grades - the list goes on. 

"So what do you plan to do now Chelsea" I asked

"Well... I'm going to continue working at the restaurant for a couple more months, then i'm having load's of time off in preparation of when the baby comes, i'm gonna move in with my boyfriend as he already has his own place"

"sounds exciting then"

"He must have enough money... " Jessica said as she joined in the conversation, we were walking to my mum's car. Mum is driving us to our local ice cream parlour to treat us for ice cream and pancakes.

"Yeah my boyfriend has money, he is a year older than me, and he has recently been promoted to 'assistant manager' of the company he works at, it didn't take him long, its an apprenticeship and the company like you to progress all the time" Chelsea replied as she got in the car with me, Jessica and Felicia. 

"Oh wow, that's so cool, I'd love to do that sort of thing, what does it involve?" Jessica says in much enthusiasm 

"I'm not completely sure, he assists his manager? I know he over see's other workers in offices making sure they meet deadlines and reports back to his manager, and then he also gets to visit other companies with his manager... when they do business deals, he also gets to be leaders in different projects the company does and has to organise meetings and stuff like that, there's probably a lot more to it, but that's some of it" 

As we were in the car Felicia perked up "Assistant manager requires great leadership skills, and you have to multitask a lot"

"yeah well he does have a lot of responsibility and often gives out tasks for the smaller project groups - he also gets longer breaks and time off"

"Sounds awesome and a lot of work" I added

We got to the parlour and ordered our deserts, I ordered pancakes with strawberries, ice cream and syrup, Felicia ordered a strawberry sundae, Chelsea ordered a triple chocolate sundae, Jessica ordered pancakes with chocolate source and strawberries and my mum ordered a banana split sundae. We waited for our deserts to come ... and when they did, wow did they look amazing, I absolutely love this desert place, it's like the best, it make's me want to try everyone else's cause they all look great. We all started eating our deserts, Chelsea let me try some of her sundae which is nice of her, it was just as tasty as it looked. 

I'm glad i'm enjoying my time with some of the best people ever, it's probably going to be the last time i see them in a while. Chelsea will be busy moving, Jessica will probably go on holiday with her family in the summer, where as Mum is taking Felicia and I out of the city and into the country to visit our Auntie all summer. We're there for 2 months practically, so tomorrow we start packing and preparing everything we need for the long vacation. I'm sort of excited and sort of dreading it, i don't know what it's going to be like or whether i'll get bored, I don't know who i'm going to meet either, if there's other young people there... what if there's no internet, or bad signal. 

All I know is my Auntie live's in a small village where everyone know's each other, it has a church where everyone attends, there's a few shop's, and a farm, and they often have community events. Mum say's it's based in a valley in between 3 mountains, it sound's exciting but then again it could be horrible. 

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