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A baby is born, she is royalty, a princess or even a Lady. All the women were in her family plus they loved it; all except Rose. Every other Randella female is polite and quiet. Many even marry into one of the other wealthy families. Rose is meant to marry Trenton Lloyd of the Lloyd Cancer research Foundation. Well his parents own it, but still. Rose is being born at this moment and five year old Trenton is crying as he hears his Mom's friend screaming in the other room. Mrs. Loyd, or Vennessa, is holding him in her lap and trying to stop the tears from falling. His father takes it as a tantrum. Saying he doesn't want to be known that his child throws tantrums in public he sends his beautiful wife home with their son. She picks her son up and walks out the door, not giving her embarrassed a second glance.

Jonothan Randella holds his wife's hand as she births their baby girl. He almost passes out from the tight grip of his wife, Jenifer. Jenifer married into the Randella family at seventeen years old. Her parents borrowed about a thousand dollars from them and couldn't pay it back. Therefore, Jenifer was decided to marry Jonothan once she turned seventeen. Jonothan is ten years older than Jenifer and luckily they fell in love. Though it was quite difficult at first, but after about a year of bickering they realized they actually loved each other. Then got married and a year later she is giving birth to their daughter.

Darrious Lloyd sits in the waiting room, grimacing at how he had just treated his wife. He is worried about his best friend's wife in the other room. It is known in the Randella family for the woman to die during natural births. He would not have his best friend's life destroyed. Again. He doesn't want him ruining his reputation, he is very successful being a freaking prince.

Jenifer screams as she gives one last push, fourteen hours of labor and she is finally finished. Jonothan's hand released from the death grip, he falls to the floor. Jenifer watches the doctors take her baby to the other side of the room. The baby rosy red, jenifer smiles and whispers, "Rose."

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