Love Is In The Air

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I'll be the leaf
You'll be the air
Let our bodies blend
Let’s spread our love

To your tunes
I just sway
Swish and swoosh
Let’s do our tango

Between the dance
My leg get slipped
I fell on the ground
Breaking our dance

But you never left
You came for me
Swayed your way down
Till you reach ground

You caress my face
Kissed my brows
Seeing your love
My heart flipped

With a little sway
You lift me up
On invisible ground
We did our tango

The blushing sun
And beaming moon
Among glittering stars
Witnessed our love

We blended our hearts
Nothing will break us apart
Love is in the air, they say
No, love is the air.


A poem (I think so😂😂) inspired from words of ramchanduri and cchinu.
Along with the heart warming scene of leaves swaying in the air this evening 💗.

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