Chapter 8. ... Alastrin The Order of the Thevies...

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Roxas, Camille, and Jordan. Decided to take a break in a sub city (smaller city) called Dobourtoshi. This city was troubled but still very rich. Camille thought it would be a wonderful time to go shopping for armor and weapons. As they walked down the streets they noticed that a tournament going on. Jordan wanted to watch. Their were 2 men probably in their 20s. They pressed a button on a box which transformed into a sword. Roxas noticed a man with a camera. He was filming a YouTube video for his channel. Just then one of the men won. The announcer spoke into his microphone "We have our winner! He will now go up against our Champion. Alastrin Dovakiin! Representative of the order of the thevies!" A boy walked out as the crowd cheered. He seemed the same age as Roxas, Camille, and Jordan. He won the fight, and walked off into the crowd. "I want to challenge that kid!" Said Jordan excitedly. Camille rolled her eyes "There is no way you're fighting him!" She said "He over powers you completely" . Just then Alastrin sat down next to them."So you want to fight me? It's gonna be hard......." And he walked off. Roxas looked at the back of Alastrin's neck. He noticed something. There on the back was a pattern of a sword. With Triangles sounding it. He pulled up his sleeve to find the exact same marking. Could it be. Linkaji Hyrulika had another son? Tune in next time for.....


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