Chapter One

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Pink Tourmaline gazed up at the castle like building that loomed in front of him through his crystalline glasses, "Ah, Gem Academy; new school, new fiends, new everything." He placed a hand on his hip, "Just great, just great." The soft breeze ruffled his pink, spikey hair, and sent cherry tree leaves swirling around the feet of students, new and old, on the cobblestone walk.

Tourmaline was about to take his first step through the iron wrought gates, when a voice shouted, "HEY PINK!" Tourmaline jumped with a squeak and whipped around, only one person called him that...and it was only to annoy him.

He saw a hand waving at him from above the crowds of students. The crowds parted and Tourmaline saw a familiar golden eyed, freckled, light brunette waving at him. He sighed and shook his head with a smile, it was his best friend Yellow Topaz.

Topaz battled through the students, waving at him to ensure she had his attention, and finally stumbled out of the sea of students. Topaz ran to him and grinned, "Hey dude. I haven't seen you all Summer!" She grabbed him into a bone-crushing bear hug and Tourmaline gasped out, "Hi Topaz! Great to see you again!" Topaz released him (as if his armor wasn't constricting enough) and flipped her long hair over her shoulder, "Obviously!" she laughed. Tourmaline chuckled and shook his head playfully. Topaz punched his arm ("Ow!") , "Come on dude," She tugged on his arm, "I want to get to the butt kicking classes!"

Tourmaline gulped, he wasn't looking forward to training; if you haven't guessed already, Gem Academy wasn't a normal school, yes there were all of the classes a normal high schooler would take, aaaaannnd there were the classes that taught Gems how to channel their powers and use their weapons.

Every Gem was assigned a weapon as soon as they were born (as a tradition) to use and train with, and if they were White Magic Gems, their powers would channel through that weapon and they would go to special schools like Gem Academy. But if the Gems didn't show any magical signs or unleash their powers by 14, then their weapon was taken away and they would attend normal school. 

But Tourmaline wasn't looking forward to training, he wasn't exactly athletic...  

Tourmaline nearly fell on his face when Topaz tugged on his arm and began running, "Well come on Tourmaline!" He ran alongside her, though he was hoping his powers wouldn't kick in and sent him running at impossible speeds.

Tourmaline smiled when he had a sense of deja'vu (?); he remembered all of the times Topaz and him had ran through the halls of their old school after pranking one of the teachers. Ever since they were kids, they had always been getting into crazy shenanigans; like that one time where he had gotten stuck in a tree and Topaz had to catch him when he fell, or when Topaz told him a story about when she nearly drowned and barely held onto life, and , one of his favorite memories, when they stole some cookies from Topaz's mom and he ran through her house with Topaz on his shoulders holding the cookie jar. They'd been best friends and Tourmaline hoped that's they way it would be forever. 

Tourmaline was jerked back to reality when Topaz stopped suddenly. Tourmaline glanced at her quizzically, "Hey what's-" Then he saw the look on her face; her mouth was split into a wife mischievous grin. Tourmaline knew that look , and it wasn't a good one, "Topaz, what are you-" Topaz shushed him and crouched, silently crawling over to a bend full of chatting girls. Tourmaline rolled his eyes and leaned against a tree, crossing his arms, and watched Topaz pull something out of her satchel, and set it on the back of the bench. Then , as fast a Tourmaline could blink, the girls screamed and ran far away from the bench. Tourmaline followed the girls with his eyes before he pushed off of the tree and walked over to Topaz, who was dying of laughter, "What did you do?" he asked, crossing his arms like a stern mother; though he suppressed a smile under a nonchalant line. Topaz lowered her cackling to a snicker and she pulled something long, black, and brown off of the bench, "Meet Coil, my little dragon!"

She jumped up and practically shoved a small ball python in Tourmalines face. "Coil"  stared at Tourmaline through his beady black eyes and licked his tongue. Tourmaline took a step back, "Where did you get ...Coil?" he asked. Topaz scratched Coils head, "I found him slithering down the street a few days ago, so I bought him home with me!" Coil nuzzled against Topaz's finger, obviously enjoying his head scratchies.  

Topaz set him in her satchel carefully and once she was sure he was okay, turned to Tourmaline and said, "Okay ,let's go!" She grabbed his arm again and dragged him down the cobblestone walk. Tourmaline realized this wasn't going to be a usual year for him, or any of the students in Gem Academy.

* First chapter done! :D I hope you guys are liking the characters so far! And please let me know how to spell deja' vu. I don't know how to spell! *

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