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This is my second fanfiction so don't hate, I never said I was great at writing (I'm rubbish but I'm doing this for fun) if you don't like it go away

Levi's POV.

THINKS: Oh how great I've just locked eyes with my ex (Erwin) and now he's coming over ughh:
"So Levi.... When should we do our next attack on the Titans?" THINKS: thank God he is talking about something that isn't our break up: "don't know and couldn't care, I'm going to my room"

-Reaches room-
I go lie on my bed having this horrible feeling in my stomach, like someone is punching me. But then randomly tears run down my face, it feels like how I felt when Erwin decided we should break up.

"C-Captain? Are you OK?" I hear a familiar voice say. Footsteps come closer and before I knew it I was being hugged. "Yeah, I'm OK," I say in a cracky voice. "Then, why are you crying," I hear his soft voice say in a whisper, I don't answer back I just sit there in Eren's warm arms.

-Time skip to next morning-

Third person POV.

Everyone is sitting in the messy hall eating their breakfast, while Levi is trying to forget about last night, Levi thinks to himself:Why would people want humanities strongest to be crying over nothing!?:

"Hey Jean you gonna eat that, 'cause I will for you," Sasha says to Jean while he's trying to eat. "Yes I am going to eat this, if your hungry then you shouldn't have eaten your food so quickly."

-Author's note
I want to say thanks to my Fren, if he hadn't gave me the courage to publish this then I wouldn't have, but I really hope you guys enjoy it! 

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