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Elle Chapter 2Why are you so nervous?

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Chapter 2
Why are you so nervous?

Elle woke the next morning to a phone call off her best friend.

L. Elle you best get your ass up tonight's the party

E. Okay I'm awake and please you throw a killer party even in your sleep

L. But it's the first party of the year it has to be amazing

E. Well if it starts to go bad I'll convince Carrie fisher to take her top off and make out with some loser in your pool

L. Thank you your such a great friend I'll pick you up in 40

E. Bye L

L. Bye E

Elle rolled her eyes slightly laughing at her best friend while she got ready for school.

"Those boots" Lydia's eyes widened as Elle got into the car making Elle laugh.

"if you get us to school on time I'll let you borrow them" the blonde told her best friend rolling her eyes.

"Umm like you have a choice" the two laughed and sung along to songs on the radio as the pulled into the school.
The two girls sat on the bleachers and watched the practise start, Allison then came over causing Elle to roll her eyes to which the argent girl saw but didn't reply or make a comment on, Elle watched as Jackson knocked Scott to the floor then watched as Scott single handily got past everyone on the black team scoring the goal. That's when she knew he was the beta. Elle shot up heading into the school to make a call.

E. Derek it's me

D. Elle what's wrong?

E. It's him the beta it's Scott McCall.

D. I'll handle it

With that derek out the phone down. The rest of the day continued until it was finally time for the party. Elle got changed into something slightly more slutty.

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ELLE - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now