Chapter 4: Well That Was A Fail

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After my meeting with Kakashi-sensei, I decide to look for my brother myself. The first place I went was Kaoru's apartment. I knew Kakashi-sensei probably didn't know where he lived, so that may hinder his search. I walk up to his door, which was a few away from mine. I knock a few times before he finally answers. His bright amber eyes looked at me curiously, "Oh, hey Hitomi." He smiles. "What's up?"

I shrug, "Just looking for Hikaru. Is he here?"

He frowns, "No, he just left, I'm sorry."

I could see an emotion in his eyes that I hated. Pity. He pitied me for being exiled. I wasn't allowed to go the the clan grounds or speak to anyone. No one was allowed to speak to me either, but Hikaru didn't care. We had always been close, despite our seven year age difference. He tried to save me from exile, but that didn't work, obviously. That is sort of why I moved close to Kaoru so he could visit easier, not that they knew he was gay. That was forbidden too. I hate my clan sometimes.

I give him my signature finger-guns as I smile, "Aye, no need to feel bad for me, I'm fine."

He cocks his head at me, a smirk replacing the frown on his lips, "Of course. How would you like to hang out and have dinner with me?"

I tap my chin, pretending to ponder my choices, "Well, I could go home and eat by myself, or I could eat a delicious home cooked meal for once with my brother's boyfriend. Which do you think?"

He chuckles, letting the door open wider, allowing me to get through, "Then get in squirt."

"My body may be 5'3, but my personality is 6 foot kiss my ass." I snap playfully as I walk by him.

That made him burst out laughing as I slipped off my sandals in place for slippers. I could smell a mouthwatering meaty aroma that filled the air. It smelled like a roast. "Roast?" I ask as he shuts the door.

He nods, "Pork. You have a nose on you."

I shrug, "I mean, I am human. I think I'm supposed to have one."

We walk over to the table, where slices of the meat were cooling down. We plopped down, grabbed our plates and began chomping down. I savored the perfectly seasoned meat. Did I mention that Kaoru was an excellent cook? He was miles ahead of me in terms of food. "So," he starts. "I hear you got Kakashi for a sensei."

I nod, "Yeah, I got the scarecrow. I already know I'm going to die."

He sweatdrops at my over-dramatic proclamation, "You're not going to die, stop being so melodramatic."

I scrunch my nose at his response, "Come on, it's me, Hitomi. I'm nothing without being dramatic."

With that, our conversation was finished and out food was gone. After another few hours of talking about his experience as a ninja, I decide to go home to rest up. With a goodbye, I rush to my bed, plopping down with a sigh of exhaustion.


"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto yell as I make my way to where they stood.

I cover my ears, "Please, it is way too early for you to be yelling."

Naruto crosses his arms across his chest, "Why are you so late?"

I place a hand on my hip, "It's called sleep, some people need it to function."

That made them shut up for a little bit. I sat on the ground next to Sasuke, knowing even though he was the emo of the group, he wouldn't yell in my ear. I closed my eyes as I began to analyze what this test could be about. He said it was a survival test, so he wants to test one of our skills. I want to say moral, because everything up till now has been about technique and how to do things. It has to be something we've never honed on before, because we didn't have the power to do so.

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