Chapter 4: Date or More

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Later that day I was allowed to leave the hospital, I was dressed in skinny jeans and a old t-shirt, Leo's blood stained sweatshirt draped over my shoulders. Leo carried my backpack and River carried the roll of bandage the nurse handed her earlier. Just twelve hours ago I was at school walking to class and now I am on my way out of a hospital.

We walked out to Leo's car, it was a small black car that looked about ten years old, I climbed into the front seat, River climbed into the back and we pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

We dropped River off and Leo and I went on that date he asked me for. We pulled up outside of the movie theater, Leo climbed out of the car and opened my door for me. We walked in and got our tickets. We sat in the front row and waited for the movie to start.

"I still can't believe you wanted to go on a date with me," I said, turning to Leo.

"Why's that?"he asked playfully.

"Well, I mean, you could have had anyone, pretty much everyone likes you, you could have chosen someone beautiful, or someone smart, or someone athletic. "I said looking down at the floor.

"I could have had anyone but I chose you, you almost died to save your friend, not just anyone would do that," he said.

"Yeah, but-"I was cut off. He looked directly into my eyes, smiled, and leaned in, I leaned in too and our lips met.

I could feel his arms slowly pull me closer, I ran my fingers through his beautiful jet black hair. After a few seconds his grip loosened and the kiss was over. I just stared into his gorgeous eyes, they were like staring into the deepest sea, they glistened and were filled with happiness.

"What was that?" I asked smiling like a doofus.

"A kiss, was it a good thing or a bad thing?" he said smiling too.

"Definitely a good thing," I said starting to giggle.

"Good,"he said still smiling.

This was the first time I had seen him smile, his teeth were a bright white, just like fresh fallen snow, his smile was the most beautiful thing I had seen in awhile.

The movie started, we sat quietly and watched the movie, about halfway through Leo leaned over and put his arm behind my neck resting it on my shoulders, being very careful of my wound. I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I woke up just a few minutes before the movie ended.

"Don't suppose you would want to make it official and be my girlfriend," Leo asked as we were getting up to leave.

"Yeah, I suppose I would," I said we walked out to the main lobby of the theater. I had never had a boyfriend until now, I wanted to save the word boyfriend until it meant something, and now it did.

Our hands met, his hand entwined with mine, we walked to his car.

He dropped me off at my house, I went to my room and slept. A lot happened that day and I had a lot to think about. I still couldn't keep my mind off of Swany-boy.

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