Chapter 3

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That night, I couldn't sleep. Whether it was from the humidity, or the fan-less ceiling, or maybe even the new room. I just couldn't do it. So, I climbed off of my bunk, and snuck out the door.
I know what you are thinking. I'm not an insomniac, I'm just nervous. This time even more than the time I was starring in the school play. Back when I went to a normal public school and actually got to see my parents.
But please don't feel bad for me, maybe this is a good thing.

I walked into the elevator and waited for the machine to take me up to the next floor. I don't know why, but I needed to do this. Something inside of me told me that I needed to go up to the next floor... and to Ashton...

No. I do not like him. I know that for sure. I'm not in love with someone that I barely know. I don't think...

When I got to the room, I walked down the hallway, and estimated which room was right above mine. I know, I have a problem. I felt my hand pull up to the wooden door and knock. It only took a few moments before there was an answer at the door.
"Uh... hello there." The boy turned around and looked at the three other boys in the room. Ashton stood up and walked over to the door.
"It's okay Quin, I can take it from here. Hey Serena." He had this look in his eyes that made me think twice about what I said earlier about liking him.
"Hey, sorry to bother you. I couldn't sleep, and I don't know anyone else here."
"It's all good. Oh! Do you remember my buds? This is Jacob, and Micah, and..." he turned to the boy who answered the door. "Quinton. He's new this year."
I waved to them.
"This is Serena. She is an ambassador for her school, so we hung out last year."
"Oh yeah, I remember now! Hey Serena!" Jacob called from the couch.
"Hey." I answered in return.
"Tell you what, let's go somewhere to tire you out." Ashton said. "I'll be back in a little bit, guys."
He walked out, closing the door behind him.
"I'm really sorry about this." I said, almost a whisper.
We got in the elevator and Ashton pushed the first floor button.
"It's fine, honestly."
"Thank you. I mean it. But, where are we going?"
He smiled as he stared at me. "It's a surprise."
I was still wearing the leggings and sweatshirt that I had been using as pajamas, but Ashton was still dressed in his school uniform.
"Let me guess, is it... the ceiling fan?"
I laughed. "I'm not sure."
We were now walking around the first floor, which I'm pretty sure is against the rules.
He took me down a hallway that was in the tour, and to a door that I had never seen before. He smirked at me as he pulled open the large wooden door, revealing the giant library.
"This room is full of ceiling fans."
I smiled as I walked in, admiring the shelves overflowing with books and the ceiling fans spinning overhead.
"Ashton, this is amazing."
"Knew you'd like it, follow me."
He spoke as he walked towards the back, gesturing for me to follow.
I listened, and followed him to a small alcove with a couple of couches. He went and sat down on the one farthest from the door.
"Come on. I won't bite."
My feet carried me to the couch. Forcing me to sit next to him. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.
"Lay your head on me. I told you I was taking you somewhere to fall asleep." He told me.
"I can't fall asleep in here. What are my roommates going to do when I'm not there in the morning?" Did he seriously want me to sleep in the library?
"I'll handle that. Sleep."
Do I listen? No, should I listen?
I didn't have time to finish the thought, because he was already gently pulling my head to meet his shoulder.
"Ashton, why are you doing this?"
"What do you mean?"
I chose my words carefully. "Why are you... flirting... with me? You barely know me."
He laughed. But I don't exactly know what he was laughing at.
"Serena, you really don't remember? At all?"
"I don't remember what?" I picked my head up from his shoulder.
He bit his lip and looked up at the ceiling.
Apparently something happened last year between us that I don't remember? That doesn't even make sense! I'm pretty sure I would remember if something happened between me and a boy.
"You kissed me. Last year. In the school library. We left the dance a couple minutes early, because of Weston."
I tried as hard as I could to think of what he was talking about, but I couldn't. I couldn't remember anything that happened between us. All I could remember was that we were good friends.
"Weston? My roommate? He isn't here this year because he got expelled for vandalism. You seriously don't remember any of this?"
I thought, and thought, and thought, but nothing was becoming clear. My head was starting to hurt, and I was almost wishing that I hadn't came to Ashton about not being able to sleep.
"I remember talking to you, and then we danced once... and then, that's it! It's like someone erased everything from my mind. I should remember this." I said, more to myself than him. Nothing made sense.
"Briella and Robin both liked Weston, and they fought over dancing with him. And so he pushed them both aside and started dancing with you. Which, you didn't like. So you went to dance with me, and he tried to hit me. We left before anyone could notice we were causing a scene." I just stared into his dark eyes. "Nothing? Really, Serena? How could you not remember this. I mean, it's not possible that someone could have wiped it from your memory. That would be ridiculous." He sounded like he wanted to laugh, but couldn't find it in him.
I guess it would be ridiculous. That is, if your parents didn't have secret jobs in D.C ...
I straightens up and put my feet back into the floor.
"I guess it would be impossible... if I didn't know anyone who had the equipment to wipe my memory..."
Ashton started laughing hysterically. "Serena Grace Logan knows someone who can erase memory? Sure. As if I can believe that."
"Ash!" Before I could stop myself, I found my hands gripping tightly on his shoulders. His weight shifted and he was now turned to me. I saw the way he was looking at me, and released my grip. "Sorry... I didn't mean to do that..."
"Serena Grace Logan knows someone who can erase thoughts and can teach her how to shift fight."
"Ashton Alexander David needs to shut his mouth for a second." I said sarcastically. "Okay, listen. I think MAYBE my parents having secret jobs in Washington D.C. might have something to do with this."
It was amazing how fast the worry could leave his eyes and he could change his face to a flirty smirk.
"What can I do to help?"

I stared at him for a moment longer, before any of my words could form. "I don't know. I've been asking them what they do at their work ever since they got hired. They keep telling me it's top secret, and that I will find out when I'm older. I don't know how they've kept this from me for over a year."

Ashton fidgeted in his seat, changing his sitting position to slightly face me. "I don't understand. Don't you live with them? How do you not know anything about them."

His question shocked me.

I think he noticed the effect of his question, because he hesitated, and then went silent himself. I looked down at my hands, noticing the polish that was halfway scraped off my nails. That tends to happen a lot.

"Ash, I don't see my parents that often anymore. That's... why I'm here." I scratched another spot of polish off. "I barely even see them in the summer. They're work schedule is too complicated."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up like that." I didn't look back at him while he spoke. "Let's just think for a moment about the evidence we have. To start with, you lost your memory about us last year. Secondly, you know your parents work in D.C and have secret jobs. So what kinds of secret jobs can people have in D.C?"

My mind whirled with enough crazy thoughts to fill the entirety of the school. But there was only one that really stuck out to me. It kept making its way back to the window of my mind, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not push it away. "What if my parents are spies?"

I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it was too late.


I bit my lip, turning to face Ashton.


"What if your parents are spies?" His eyes widened with excitement. "Spies know how to erase minds. And-- if the spy comic books I read when I was in middle school were right-- a spy would have to erase your memory if you found out they were a spy. Maybe something happened during that time-- besides us kissing-- that they had to erase. Maybe you found out about them."

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. All that I could do, was stare up at the ceiling fan, and hope that Ashton was

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