got a smoke darling?

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The window was cold as the girl with dark brown hair leaned her head against the glass. Rain was pouring down outside the bus driving down the road, actually causing a slight increase in Elizabeth Dixon's mood even though the streets were empty as people escaped the raw weather. She'd forgotten her headphones when leaving her house, but she was fine with just listening to the sound of the rain hitting against the metal roof of the bus.

The girl was beyond tired now, but she couldn't really complain as it was her own choice to up all night and finish reading her book. She'd read A Clockwork Orange perhaps seven times already, but she never seemed to be able to put it down once she'd started. But, then of course, most books had that effect on her.

The bus left the main road and entered a smaller street before it came to a stop. Elizabeth quickly rose from her seat and left the vehicle while pulling her hood up over her head, placing her hands in the pockets of her sweater. It was cold outside, the temperature going down around 10 degrees Celsius as winter started to pull in over England. Even though she was aware of this, Elizabeth hadn't brought her jacket.

It wasn't a long walk to her school from there, but with the intensity of the rain falling from the sky her hoodie was more or less soaked when she got inside the brick building. She didn't really care though, she just shrugged the piece off, feeling the smell of coffee beans and cinnamon as she walked through the school café to get to her locker. The café had been more or less filled with people, so when she got out into the hallway the contrast in the noise level was clear.

"Elle!" a voice could be heard, which momentarily disrupted the peaceful moment in the hallway. Elizabeth looked up to see her friend smiling at her, walking over with big steps as his expensive boots squeaked against the stone floor. Isaak was his name, a boy well past 6"3 with brown hair that hung by his jawline, accompanied with a friendly and soft face.

Elizabeth greeted him with a simple 'hey' as the boy removed his black coat which was soaked from the rain, just like his hair which hung on top of his head. He ran his fingers through it a few times before walking over to his locker right next to Elizabeth's own, looking furiously through his pockets to find his key, before opening it up.

"I hate this fucking weather, I swear I will move to the Sahara desert just to get away from this goddamn rain," Isaak spoke as he took out his books for his first period which from the looks of it was social studies. Elizabeth herself was getting her algebra books out.

"I'm sure you will," Elizabeth responded, looking at Isaak with a small smile. 

Isaak smiled down at the girl brightly before looking down on his watch, realizing that he had to leave for his class. He quickly said goodbye and leaned down to kiss her on her forhead, as he always did, before taking off and leaving the girl who smiled at him before she closed her locker.

Elizabeth was grateful she had a friend like Isaak, he knew when to talk and when to try and concentrate, but when given the opportunity he was incredibly funny. That was probably the reason to why he had so many friends, he was so nice to everyone and made people feel special in a complete way. He was pretty much the opposite of Elizabeth, who liked to think of herself as the mother of awkward tensions and sarcastic comments that just turn out to sound rude.

The dark-haired girl arrived at her own classroom and realized that it was almost full already, so she quickly took a seat next to a boy named Lucas who she knew a little bit through Isaak. She'd only talked to him a few times, but that was more than with most of the people in her class.

Lucas smiled at her and greeted her, which she returned before setting down her things and waiting for the class to start.


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