don't fall in love

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Elizabeth was early for school the next day; it'd been that or coming late. Now she didn't usually mind being late, but for her first period she had Mrs. Donovan, who treated absence as punishable with death and you'd most definitely get detention for missing a single minute. She was lucky enough to have Isaak there at least, she spotted him quickly when she stepped inside the school café, his big scarf and Sherlock-like coat made him stand out in the room.

She walked over to Isaak with slow steps and sat down in the chair opposite him with her feet up on the seat, without any kind of reaction from the boy as he continued scrolling through a feed on his phone. By snapping her fingers in front of his face his head snapped up, looking at Elizabeth like a deer caught in the headlight.

His shocked expression turned into a wide grin by the second, which Elizabeth returned. "My favorite worst nightmare has returned! I would've been more excited to see Alex Turner or Benedict Cumberbatch, but I suppose you'll do."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the statement but smiled, making Isaak do the same as he got the reaction he wanted. "So, Elle, what's up?"

Simple questions Elizabeth found extremely hard to answer, so she settled on shrugging and going with the only response she knew. "Nothing much really."

"Per usual then," Isaak said, smirking. He was just about to speak up again when he looked at something behind Elizabeth. This wasn't a rare thing to happen, Isaak was what one would call popular, he had friends all over the school and most people looked up to him. People often searched for his company, since he was easily one of the most kind and easy-going people in all of their school. 

He just had an easy time making friends, pretty much the opposite to Elizabeth. By now Elizabeth was used to the fact that they were socially polar opposites, and the fact that Isaak most likely meant a lot more to her than she meant to him.

Reaching for her phone she mindlessly started to scroll through her Spotify list, changing the song a few times as she still had one of her earphones in. She settled on some old tune after a while, but continued to scroll up and down the list to avoid any kind of conversation with whoever Isaak was talking to. She wasn't in the mood for talking to strangers right then, she rarely was though.

Finally she decided to look up and just get a glimpse of who Isaak was talking to. She saw that it was a girl, tall but not intimidatingly tall as the boy she'd met the day before by the bus. She'd seen her around school before, she was pretty hard to miss with her tattoo sleeve and lip piercings. She was beautiful, brown straight hair hanging by her shoulders and large eyes framed with brown shadow.

"Danielle, class starts in two, we need to go," a new voice spoke, to which the tattooed girl turned her head slightly, nodding. Just the sound of the voice almost made Elizabeth roll her eyes, but nonetheless she looked up at the ridiculously tall boy standing next to 'Danielle', seeing that he was already looking at her.

"If it isn't the princess," the boy who she still didn't know the name of spoke, making her lift one eyebrow and look at him with a bored expression, growing less and less fond of the boy by the second. She wasn't a fan of the nickname, it made her feel ridiculous as she recognized the irony in the words that left his lips. Elizabeth was no princess, she was the complete opposite. "Hey, hit me up whenever you want me to repay you for that cigarette. I offer services or smokes, your choice darling."

Elizabeth raised one of her eyebrows, slightly disgusted with the "offer" but she didn't show it. Instead she shook her head, shrugging with the bored expression stuck on her face. "It's fine you know, I'd much rather choke to death on my own vomit."

The boy smirked, picking up at her choice of words. "Oh, kinky."

Elizabeth looked at him with a somewhat surprised expression but smiled slightly nonetheless, even though she tried to hide it. The boy picked up at the change in her expression though, smirking a little bit broader. 

"You dog," Danielle spoke before reaching out and grabbing the blonde boy's arm, tugging at it and dragging him away from Isaak and Elizabeth. "Leave the girl alone and learn to treat women with respect dickhead, we have algebra."

Elizabeth looked after the two and smiled at Danielle who returned the favor before turning around. The blonde boy smirked and chuckled, before walking backwards along with Danielle. "See you later princess."

"I hope not," Elizabeth mumbled, catching a last glance at Danielle and her sleeve before turning back to Isaak, who was looking at her with raised eyebrows for obvious reasons.

"So," Isaak spoke, clapping his hands together as the surprised expression made itself clear on his face as soon as Danielle and the boy were out of hearing distance. "Bexley Parker huh?"


"Bexley, you know, I think he might've called you princess or something, like, three times," Isaak spoke, a small smirk on his lips as realization drew over Elizabeth's face.

"Oh, so that's his name?" Elizabeth spoke and looked over her shoulder briefly, just in time to see the two leaving the cafeteria together. Isaak nodded as she turned back, shrugging. "He asked me for a cigarette, apparently he can't get his own."

"Well," Isaak said while standing up, Elizabeth doing the same as he spoke. "Good luck with him Elle."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked Isaak who turned his head towards her as they started walking out of the cafeteria together, slow steps taking them to the hallways.

"Well, I mean, he's a player," Isaak said, making Elizabeth shrug. She wasn't exactly surprised by the statement, something about him gave of that kind of vibe. "So, just be careful around him, I mean, don't-"

"Dude, if you're about to say what I think you are, then don't," Elizabeth said while holding her hands up slightly to show him that she was serious, he just shrugged. She didn't need to be told who to fall in love with, especially not a douchy player such as 'Bexley Parker'.

"Chill Elle, I'm just looking out for you," he said before dropping the subject, noticing that Elizabeth tensed up at the mention. He then smirked, looking down at Elizabeth with a grin. "I noticed you checking out a certain girl earlier."

Elizabeth smiled but slapped Isaak's arm, making him chuckle. "Shut up," she mumbled, making his laughter increase.

"You so did!" he spoke, making Elizabeth groan.

"Whatever, so what if I did? Can you really blame me? She is just," she couldn't even find the words to finish her sentence, so she settled with just motioning with her hands which made Isaak chuckle and nod. 

"I get what you mean Liz, she really is all that."

"Well, too bad there's a 99 percent chance that she's off limits," Elizabeth said before walking faster. "See you later, I've got physics in five."

"Meet me at lunch Elle, and remember, don't fall in love with Bexley Parker!" Isaak yelled after her as she walked away, causing her to turn around and flipping him off before leaving the empty hallway in a hurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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