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Today is the day of Mr Payne's party, damn it, i don't know what to wear. i kept on rummaging  through my clothes. i wanted to look nice and descent in front of all these billionaires. Giving up, i took my phone and called timothy, "please pick up" i said to myself. " why good morning sel, what do you need ?"  timothy's voice laced with joy. Wow, he sounds really excited for the party, i mean, who wouldn't be ? i wasn't looking forward to it though. i was too scared i will see him. the person i loved dearly but i lied to him. "timothy, i don't know what to wear, i wanna look nice but at the same time not too over the top you know what i mean." i sighed. "umm, what about that red dress with sequins... the one you wore to my graduation. i like that one.. wear it"

 i ran back to my closet and searched for it.  I admired the dress for a second, until i got a phone call. shit louis' calling "hey Louis, good morning" i still felt weird to be calling my boss with his first name, i don't even know why. "hey sel, i'll send one of my drivers to pick you and tim up, he's gonna pick up tim first then they will pick you up. i told tim earlier, get ready love, you have an hour" An hour only ? "ok then, see you mr toml- um louis" "see you love" he chuckled. i quickly took a shower, curled my hair and put on a descent amount of make up. 45 minutes later, i got a text from Tim "hey we'll be arriving in fifteen minutes, hurry the fuck up" i rolled my eyes as i read the text. This boy i swear. I put my dress on and my black heels and looked at myself in the mirror, well.. i guess i looked alright. but there's obviously gonna be prettier girls there. i mean, i'm just an assistant. and they could be models or actors for all i know. i'm just me... selena gomez. The more i started to worry the more i felt insecure. A phone call interupted me as i was deep in my thoughts. oh shoot, they must be here. "selena get your ass down here, i don't wanna be late, maybe i'll attract some sugar daddies while i'm there" chris yelled at me through the phone. he hung up before i could even answer. oh timothy. i grabbed my phone and  hurry to the lobby. i saw a fancy black car with tinted windows waiting for me outside, as i approached the car, louis' driver is already waiting for me outside, he helped open the door for me , i thanked him and got in. "damn sel, you could be looking for sugar daddy with me" timothy said when he saw me. I gave him a look and chose to ignore him. throughout the whole car ride timothy was talking about how he can't wait for the party, but i couldn't help but feel nervous. i didn't want to see him .Damn it selena snap out of it

I was so deep in my thoughts i didn't realise that we were here. timothy got out immediately and so did i. " ready to party and go sugar daddy hunting ?" timothy chuckled... okay he's getting a little too excited. as i looked around i felt more nervous,  there were hundreds of supermodels and billionaires all chatting and dancing around having a few drinks. as we entered the french mansion, louis greeted us with his usual cheerful smile. " I KNEW YOU WOULD COME, come on i'll bring you guys to mr payne".

oh fuck, i hope he likes my birthday gift... macaroons. i know, lame, but i couldn't think of anything else and anyways i'm on a budget. we saw mr payne talking to some of his best mates, mr horan, mr malik, and mr styles. as we approached them i felt so nervous to the point where i could just burst, but of course tim stood next to me all cheerful and excited. as they saw us walking towards them they stopped talking and had their full attention on us three. that did not help me at all. "hey lads, i brought my assistant and my staff, hope you don't mind payno". 

"happy birthday mr payne, i know it's not much but i got you something" i said handing him the gift trying to hide how nervous i was. "oh you didn't have to, but thanks ,  and please call me liam" he chuckled with a smile. eventually, we all ended up  chatting in one of the living room away from the other people. as we were all joking around i saw him  walk in the room although his attention wasn't on us. oh shit , panicking i turned to tim and saw that he was panicking too. "umm we're gonna get some drinks, we'll be back" i said quickly and grabbed tim and hurry to the kitchen. "SEE this is exactly why i didn't want to come at first, i know they are gonna be here tim, it's so obvious, and they can't see me here" i rambled. 

you see, both my parents are billionaires, they own lots and lots of multinational companies around the world, as a child i was raised in a beautiful classic house, well ... mansion, and i would always love waking up everyday to get anything i ever wanted. but as i got older, that's when i started to get a little bored, i was starting to get tired of things just getting handed to me as i please, i wanted to know how it felt like to struggle, i was curios, i wanted to get a job, to earn money by myself and experience living in a small apartment with a roommate. it was hard to get used to but i managed. so i told my parents that i wanted to take a year long vacation, exploring the world, and to my surprise they didn't mind. as long as i kept in touch with them and came to visit some times. little do they know i've  been here all along, just living a few minutes away from them. and it was not easy to stay hidden since dad owns a lot of buildings here. 

as i was about to get a fruit punch i realised that timothy was gone. dear god where did he go.suddenly a deep British accent interrupted my thoughts. "are you alright love" i looked up and i saw the one and only harry styles stood just a few steps in front of me. i took clear notice of his striking but soft forest green eyes and his soft pink plump lips, he is unbelievably handsome .i didn't realise i was staring at him for so long. When he noticed that, his lips turned in to smirk. "your staring darling" he stated with a chuckle. a blush creeped through my cheeks as embarrassment flowed through my body and i looked down intimidated my his gaze. "sorry i didn't realise" i said softly. "it's alright, i don't mind" i said once again with that stupid sexy smirk of his. "i just wanted to see if you were alright , you looked panicked when you were walking out, something wrong love ?" he raised his brows at me. i felt my whole body melt at his presence, he was so mysterious yet so daring and soft. "no everything is fine" i managed to squeak out "i was just thirsty" i smiled at him. he softly chuckled, whats so funny. "  i think i'm also pretty thirsty, but i'm thirsty for something else" he smirked at me while looking down at my body , as he did that i notice that his eye turned to a darker green and he started to bite his bottom lip. at this point i was majorly confused. what the hell did he mean by that, there are other drinks if he wants. "ummm well if your not liking a fruit punch then there is champagne right over there" i told him. when i told him that he started chuckling even more, why is he laughing what did say? , "innocent, i like it" he softly whispered faintly. "w-what" i stuttered. "nothing, lets get back to the living room" he said as he walked towards me and held out his hand. shyly i slid my hand in his and he gripped it tight. as we were walking back i struggled to keep up with him, because of his really long damn legs he managed to take walk like at least 10 times faster then me. 

when we got to the living room i saw timothy already there with the rest of the guys chatting as usual. that idiot, he ditched me. i noticed that some of the guests were already starting to leave and i couldn't find my parents anywhere so i was relieved. Liam got up and thanked all the guests as they left. i honestly felt kind of left out, all the guys were chatting including tim and i guess i was too shy to join in the convo. my mind wondered of and for some reason i thought about harry, god he's so sexy , the way he walked, talked, and of course his signature smirk. stop it selena, why the hell would he ever want you, stop dreaming he has standards you know.  the voice inside my head said. i looked up and saw that harry was staring at me, again he was biting his bottom lip and i felt his eyes burning through my skin. i grew shy under his staring just when i was about to look away he winked at me again with that god damn smirk.i couldn't help but blush and look down as i hear him softly chuckle. Liam came back shortly after, " guys all the guests have left, let's hit the pool" he yelled all excited. "Yea boi lets go " Louis yelled along after him. i was definitely surprised, i didn't know they were all so playful. they all stood up and was about to leave to change but i realised i didn't brink anything to swim in. "umm guys i don't think i can join you, i didn't bring anything" i told them. "oh for fuck's sake sel, just use your bra and panties as a bikini, same god damn thing" tim being tim said. as i was about to reply to timothy's stupid but smart statement, harry caught me by surprise "yeah, just do that, i think it's a great idea love" he said with a smirk . the other boys agreed and left to the pool in just their boxers. great, i forgot that i'm wearing  lingerie. "oh dear god help me" i whisper to myself as i head to the pool. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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