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Everyone went into the auditorium and took a seat. Mr. Sliger walked to the front and began to address all students and staff.

"Welcome to AFCC Academy, I hope that is year will be full of learning and fun. I can't wait to explore life with you all. Because I am new here, this year will be a big transition year, and I am going to need all of your help to make this year wonderful. You have some amazing people on your staff who would love to connect with you all. We can't wait to start this learning adventure with you. Tonight your teachers have planned a fun evening for you, but before you all can enjoy that, we have to go over a few things. First, we have a few expectations that we require you to follow. There will be no fighting or harassment, this includes verbal, cyber, physical, and emotional. We understand that you may have problems that come up, talk to a staff member about it instead of fighting. Second, you all will show up to meals on time, the only meal in the day that is take as you please is breakfast. Every Sunday you will have a new week schedule in your room waiting for you before you go to bed. This will look similar for every week, but activities will change. Third, we want you all to succeed, so we expect an minimum GPA of 3.0, that is a B average. If you are struggling you can always go to that teacher for help. If you drop below that GPA, you will have consequences which could be sitting out from activities, extra tutorial period, and/or less free time to be spent doing work. If you still remain under that 3.0 GPA, then you could possibly expelled. Is that understood?"

A lot of voices replied, "Yes", so Mr. Sliger continued.

"Finally on your weekly schedules it will show when you are to be in your rooms, and when lights must be off. If you break any of these rules, you will be punished. We want to have fun, but we need to have rules. Now the staff has picked student representatives from each grade to represent their grade. I am going to have my five core teachers come up here and they will tell you who they picked for each grade and why."

Mr. J was the first to speak, " Hey guys, I got the privilege of picking the 7th grade representative. I picked this young man because he has showed some good leadership skills over the summer during orientation. Jeffrey, man you will be the 7th grade rep."

Mr. Howard was next to talk, "I got to pick the 8th grade rep, this young lady showed a lot of compassion to her fellow peers. She always works hard and she always tries to include everyone. The 8th grade representative is Ms. Hattie, congratulations!"

Mrs. Keys spoke, " I made my pick based on what 9th grader was being kind to everyone, working hard, getting good grades, and doing well in math. My pick had straight A's last year, and this is Nebakanezer. Good job!"

Mrs. Holand said, "I was given the choice for 10/11th grades. I picked someone who is very out going and is very including. Ms. Wendy congrats."

The last to speak was Mr. Holand, "Hey guys well that's it. . . Okay fine, I got to pick the representative for 12th grade. I picked a young lady who has been working hard doing little things here and there for the staff. She tries to get people involved, she is also very helpful. I picked Ms. Alisha for the 12th grade rep."

Mr. Sliger finished with, "Congratulations to our 5 representatives you will have a meeting soon after this. A list of who is in what rooms is posted on the wall. After the representative meeting your reps will have information for you all, so once you see your dorm room please put your stuff in your room and come back here when you hear the bell ring. Thanks guys and let's make this year fun!"

The students went and put their stuff in their rooms while the student representatives had a meeting with the staff.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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