Rough Day

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(Yes, I know the Zoldycks can go days without sleep, but lets asume he was asked to kill a phantom troupe member or something like that and now illumi has reached his limit :0 )

llumi flopped onto the couch from exhaustion, and closed his eyes for a few moments, and just focused on the sound of his breathing. Breath in....And out...In...And out......

Ah yes, that was much better.

He stood up gently, and glided towards the kitchen, his hair billowing behind like a dark waterfall. He was careful not to get it caught in the cabinets as he reached for a mug. He groaned as he held it delicately in his hand. It was one of the 'buddies' mugs that Hisoka got him a year before on Valentine's day. However much he despised this failed attempt of affection he was too tired to care and carried it on over to the coffee machine..... At least what he thought was the coffee machine.

For this assassination assignment, he was asked to travel quite far from home, so Hisoka offered him a place to stay at one of his various abodes across the continent. However, it still wasn't the Zoldyck mansion.

After what felt like hours, Illumi finally managed to brew some coffee, and gave a slight look of repulsiveness as he breathed in its aroma.

Yup, definitely not one of the exotic coffee brands that were specially imported to the mansion, but on a tiresome night like tonight it'll have to do.

He took a big gulp of the searing hot liquid and almost choked on it as soon as he caught a glimpse of a flash of pink.

The blur chuckled mischievously behind him and in a sinister tone replied "oh, I didn't startle you, did I? How rude of me." He smirked widely, clearly showing no sign of concern whatsoever.

Illumi rolled his eyes "Hioska, you only did so because I let you. I purposefully let my defenses down in order to relax a little. No one can startle a true assassin."

Hisoka groaned wearily and leaned against one of the kitchen counters. "You know, you really put the ass in assassin. Suck the joy out of everything I do."

Illumi ignored his remark and continued to sip silently on his coffee.

Hisoka, now growing slightly bored, began to twiddle some strands of Illumi's hair between his fingers, and smiled deviously as Illumi brushed his hand away. He saw this as an invitation, and combed his hand through Illumi's hair, pulling himself closer with every stroke.

Startled by this turn of events, Illumi nudged him away, but this only made Hisoka's lust grow stronger. Therefore, instead of a nudge, Illumi shoved him to the ground and walked away, aloof. He headed down the dark hallway and hoped to god that he was going into the right room. The fact that he was tired as hell didn't help the situation so of course he landed right in Hisoka's room. Being so dark, he didn't realize that it wasn't his room at first and began to question why the room took on a sort of pinkish tint. Blaming the exhaustion, he crawled into bed and, much to his disliking, was greeted by Hisoka.

He could feel Hisoka's eyes sinking into his backside as he tried to curl up into bed. " Oh, there are two reasons why you put the ass in assassin." He hissed in a lewd manner.

Illumi was completely done with this crap, and threw a pillow at him, but he managed to catch it without batting an eye while hissing even louder "why do you do this to me?" He moaned "you're the one who crawled into my bed"

Illumi stared into the sheets depressingly.. of course he went into the wrong room.

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