A little Game

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Illumi attempted to exit the pink monstrosity, but was unsurprisingly blocked by Hisoka's barrel-chested body. Illumi sighed and flopped onto the ground.

"Fine I'll just sleep here" he murmured, lazily trying to swipe his hair off of his face.

" Oh, Illumi, you're no fun!" He replied with a chuckle that could send shivers down the spine of even Neferpitou.

He continued to look eerily over Illumi's body. He crouched down over him, and as soon as he did so, Illumi sat straight up. His tired, baggy eyes staring deeply into Hisoka's mischievous ones. "Hisoka, can I just get some GODDAMN SLEEP??"

Hisoka grinned "How about we play a game first."

Illumi didn't like where this was going but he was too damn tired to give a crap anymore "Okay, if I play this 'game' with you do you promise to let me get some rest"
Hisoka rested his firm jawline on his hand, contemplating the decision layed out before him. "Oh, alright"

"So what kind of game is this?" Illumi asked while scooting away, trying to put as much distance as possible between him and Hisoka.

Hisoka sat himself comfortably onto the ground and took out a deck of playing cards seemingly out of thin air. "You're familiar with poker, right?"

Illumi hesitated for a moment. He wasn't expecting Hisoka to play a genuine game with him. He must have another trick up his sleeve..."uh, yeah"

Hisoka smirked "fantastic" he dealt the cards out, but stopped Illumi before he could look at his hand. "No, no. We're playing by MY rules."

Illumi sighed "here comes the twist I was expecting"

"Instead of wagering, the loser of the hand has to take one article of clothing off." He stopped, letting the message sink into Illumi's brain.

"Alright" Illumi groaned "let's get this over with."

Unsurprisingly, however, Hisoka was determined to lose every single round, so before long, all that was left to take off were his pants and, hopefully it didn't have to come to this, his underwear.

Illumi couldn't help but stare at Hisoka's bare chest. Every muscle was clearly visible. He studied his figure for a few more moments before realizing what he was actually doing. "What was I doing? Argh, I need to just get this game over with so that Hisoka can just get out of my sight."

However, things did not go as Illumi, or Hisoka for that matter, had planned. Illumi looked down in sudden horror as the realization sunk in. He lost his first match...

Hisoka, however, was less distraught by this ill doing and looked forward to seeing what clothing Illumi was going to take off first, but to his dissatisfaction, Illumi only took off his left shoe.

Illumi saw the disappointment in Hisoka's face and found it rather amusing. Maybe next time he'll pull out a single pin from his jacket.

Several more minutes passed until, finally, all that was left for Hisoka to take off was his underwear. Hisoka stared at Illumi lewdly as he layed down his losing hand of cards. He stood up very slowly, but did something peculiar. Instead of reaching for the elastic waistband that held his underwear up, he instead began to tear away at the skin on his face.

It took a second for illumi to process what was going on, but as soon as he did so, he kicked Hisoka so hard that he was sent tumbling into the hallway. "YOU F***ING ASS, HISOKA!" He yelled into the hallway before slamming and locking the door shut.

His face and leg now severely bruised, Hisoka sat up wearily and tapped gently on the door. "Ehmm, that's my room?" He asked firmly, but all that responded was the slight snoring sound that came from Illumi. He rolled his eyes and then sulked onto the ground falling into a deep sleep.

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