Chapter 4: The Camps

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I wake up in a dark room on a very hard and dirty-feeling floor. “Hello?! Where the hell am I?” I shout. No response just an echo when i hear footsteps and a door open and I see a man wearing the same exact suit that the men in the shelter had on. “Get the hell away from me” I scream. “Get up let’s go now” he yells back at me as he picks me up and throws me onto my side into room full of other people wearing the exact same outfit that i’m wearing, White Shirt with an unknown language printed on the back and Grey pants with words FEMA on it. “It can’t be, no no this isn’t real, this can't be real” i say to myself. “Where the hell is my family?, you psychos” I scream so loud that everyone in the room goes silent. “Harris get this kid to his family so he can shut the hell up” one of the FEMA Corps say to the other. “Get the hell up kid I’ll bring you to family” this so-called Harris character shouts to me. I stand up and he takes me to the other side of Walmart which is now The F.E.M.A Camp and i see a red stained spot in the middle of the floor. “Is this some kind of joke sir” i scream and turn around and see he has a gun in his hand. “NO!” I shout as i grab it out of his hands and kick him in the stomach. He takes out this Golden tablet, pressed a button, and everything went dark. I wake up with my family but they’re all cuffed up while i just layed on the floor motionless trying not to draw attention to myself. 30 Minutes pass and the two men finally leave the room. I get up to attempt to uncuff my family when something that cannot be seen with the human eye, unlock everyone’s cuffs right before my eyes. “What the hell just happened” i whispered so the others don’t hear me and then blue water formed letters on the wall that read “I’m here… Fight back”. I whisper “Are you from our house”. We all watched in awe as the letter change to the word “Yes”. All of a sudden the men barged in. “How the hell did you three get out of your cuffs” they screamed and then picked us all up and threw us in the in the main area of the camp. “Are you guys okay?... Listen to me i’m going to sneak around and see if there’s a way out of here and i will come back okay?” i whisper. “Are you crazy… They’ll kill you if they catch you” My mom whispers back. “They won’t, I know how to fight back, they aren’t as strong as everyone thinks… be right back”. I reply. I crouch down in the big crowd so that the Agents can't see me. I walk towards the other side of the camp where the red stained spot was. I walk slowly to back where they used to keep the supplies back when this was an actual functioning store. I walked slowly in there and i saw a person on the floor that was presumed dead. I covered my mouth trying so hard not to scream from the sight. I walked slowly to the body, turned it around, looked at the face, and froze. I couldn’t believe what i saw, It was good friend Sam. I screamed and cried so loud i think they heard me. I ran farther in the back so they couldn’t spot me right away and to my luck i found a gun, knife and Scaler Pill that controls what people do. I grabbed all three and started to walk towards the exit door from the old supplies room.

THE CONSPIRACY THEORY SERIES: The Specters Of The F.E.M.A CampsWhere stories live. Discover now