Concert Hall (Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader)

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"Are you sure?" I asked my friend, slipping on a little black dress and heels.

"Definitely! Just take the tickets, it's not a big deal. You'll probably enjoy it more than I will" she assured me, helping me zip up.

I was heading to Royal Albert Hall for a classical Baroque performance. My friend was originally supposed to be attending the event, as she had purchased the ticket, but something came up with her boyfriend and she was too busy.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon?" I asked her, making my way to the apartment door.

"Yeah, let's have coffee tomorrow. Now go, you don't want to be late!

"Okay, okay! Bye!" I called back to my friend, dashing outside and catching the nearest cab.
The car pulled up to the grand building, warm light shining through the several windows.
"Thank you!" I said, handing the driver a few bills and hopping out onto the street.

Walking towards the Hall, I noticed many paparazzi crowding the entrance and sidewalk.

That's weird, I thought. Maybe someone famous is here for the performance as well?
Brushing it off, I squeezed through the masses and arrived at check in.

"Oh, you have prime seating! That'll be up on the centre balcony, first row" directed the woman behind the desk, pointing to the ascending staircases behind her.

"Wonderful!" I smiled, not expecting such a great seat.

Scaling the red carpeted stairs, I located my spot, which was spacious and a plush red.
The surrounding area was also quite unoccupied, even better.

"Perfect" I mumbled to myself, removing my coat and flipping through the evening's schedule.


"Excuse me miss, but would you mind moving your coat? I believe this is my seat" a deep voice interrupted my thinking.

"Yes, yes of course" I replied, hurriedly retrieving it from the seat next to me and placing the jacket on my lap.

I didn't even look at the man's face until I realized something.
That deep voice was oddly familiar, very familiar indeed.
Wait...... no way.
No way.

I slowly looked to my left, where the man was now seated, and I was met with Benedict Cumberbatch's strong profile.
That explained all the commotion outside, there was a celebrity at the Hall after all.

And he was sitting right next to you.

Benedict could obviously feel your inquisitive stare, as he turned his own face to look right back at yours. Yes?"

"U-ummm" you started, a bit of a blush creeping up to your cheeks. "I know this is really stereotypical and predictable but I know who you are and I really admire you as an actor and could I have your autograph please?" You rushed out, turning redder with every

There was a moment of silence as the two of you looked at each other, side by side in the huge, dome-like concert hall.

And then Benedict burst out laughing.
"Ye-es, yes o-of course!" he barely managed, taking out a black ballpoint pen and slip of paper.

I just sat there in embarrassment, watching him scribble down his signature, handing the paper back to me with a flourish.

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