Twenty Five

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"Welcome home, Ryan!" My mother cheered.

"Hey sweetheart," my dad rasped and wrapped me in a hug.

I looked around and let a few tears fall.

My family is alive, I'm home, and I'm happy.

That's all that mattered to me. About twenty people were standing in my yard smiling at me. Welcoming me.

Mike's friends were there too. They weren't like him. Mike was a monster. His friends, well, they're good people.

A tap on my shoulder stole my attention as I turned around.


I ran into his arms and wouldn't let go. He rubbed my back and whispered a "Welcome home, weirdo".

"Evan! Are you okay? I'm so sorry I dragged you into the mess of my life. But we're finally free! Wait... . Evan, where's Colin?" I rambled.

"Colin will be here soon. Don't worry," he smiled.

"What?! No, Colin can't come here. He ruined my life! Fucking no!"

"Oh sweetie, but I'm already here," the very vioce that I never want to hear again whispered behind me.

I whirled around and stared in horror at the monster who ruined me.

Why? Who let him come here? Why is my family turning their backs on me? Why am I alone in this life?

My mother came up and gave Colin a kiss on his left cheek and said, "We appreciate what he's done for us. I mean, raising you the way he did--with discipline and strict rules. Even how he gave you a look on the dark side of life so you could know how fortunate you are."

"Don't you appreciate what he's done for you?" My father came over and questioned me.


"Bad girl."

"No, no, no, no, no!"

I screamed until my throat was raw. My world stopped spinning and I couldn't breath. Tears ran down my face and black dots filled my vision. It didn't stop. It couldn't stop. Nothing was right. Nothing will ever be right.

For those of you who haven't experienced this feeling, let me explain it in just two words. Anxiety attack.

Laughter filled my ears as I screamed and bawled not controlling any of it. It wasn't worth it anymore. Nothing was worth it.

I screamed and screamed. Each time I opened my mouth, another part of me flew away. I was falling apart. I wasn't myself.

I wasn't worth it.

The black dots multiplied by the second and soon enough I was surrounded by nothing but the dark.


Firm hands gripped my arms and shook me awake.

"Ryan! Ryan, wake up. C'mon, Ry... ," a soft voice whimpered.

Instinctively, I curled up into a ball and tucked my head between my legs.

"It was just a dream, Ry."

"Where is Colin?" I whispered.


"Where is he?!" I screamed at Evan who stared at me in shock. After slowly uncurling from my ball, I walked toward the door and stared at it.

"He's at the old mansion," he mumbled.

"Take me there."

"Ryan, that's redicu-"

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