My Dad

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Excuse any typos in advance, because I'm mad.

My dad.
My dad.

I can't even.

Technically he is my stepdad.

But don't tell him that!!

So I would just like to know why stepparents have decided to curse all of society because I can't think of one time that a stepparent has worked out well for someone. Like if you love your stepparent then I'm happy that you don't have to deal with this crap.

But if you happen to be like me, or Cinderella, or anyone I know with a stepdad or mom, then you might just understand.

So we used to get along fine when I was littler, but as I got older I separated myself from him. A lot.

And I called him "Dad" once. Once. And I was like six. Six years old.

So now he expects me to still call him that, countless years later.

So not only does he get salty, rude, or downright mean (usually all three) when I call him by his name, but he doesn't care if my siblings do it!!! 

So because I did it once, when I was a small child, there is apparently no excuse for me not to do it anymore.

So that's just the start.

But now I am convinced that he hates me. He is constantly mad at me for everything and a few days ago, I felt sick when I got up for school. So the night before I had had a cup of hot chocolate in my room on top of a paper plate so that it wouldn't drip on the floor or something.

But since I felt sick then when I woke up that morning, my mind didn't immediately jump to Quick! I must get this one dirty dish from my floor and put it in the dishwasher.

So I couldn't stay home because apparently feeling like complete crap doesn't justify staying home on a day that we had nothing scheduled for class anyway.

But I went to school, basically in a daze, and forgot about the cup.

One cup.

So my mom warned me when she picked me up after school that my stepdad will probably be mad at me because he saw it in my room.

So first of all, he is always snooping through my room and my brother's room trying to find stuff to be mad at us about and I can't describe how annoying it is.

Second of all, I have never forgotten to take dishes from my room back to the kitchen before, this was the first time. And to this day I have never spilled anything or made a mess in the floor.

However, I thought I got off lucky since when I got home he didn't mention it, didn't even acknowledge me. (But that's normal) so I went to my room so that I could avoid unnecessary judgement and rude stares.

And tonight. Like no joke ten minutes ago, I was cold so I went to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. Well he comes out of the bathroom and sees me and it's like a lightbulb went off like oh! I never got mad at her for that!! That was a good chance!!! Well, it's not too late!!!

So he's like "oh! You aren't allowed to have food in your room for a very long time."  ....Ok??...

Like he never passes up the chance to get mad at me.

Like the morning that I felt like crap which I just described, he was all over me like "Things not perfect in your little world today?? Huh???"

Naturally I didn't reply because my throat hurt and my mom explained this to him. And you know what he said?

"Well just because she doesn't feel good doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. She shouldn't pout all the time..." etc, etc, etc...

He honestly hates me. He never talks to me, so I don't talk to him. But then I'm the bad guy. When I do talk to him, 90℅ of the time he ignores me.

If I draw something I'm proud of, I can always count on a nice reaction from my mom. But if I hold up my sketchbook for him to see, one of two things will happen.

1. He will ignore me and act like he doesn't see.
2. "Nice."

That doesn't even put a dent in what he does. Like no one understands how much grief he gives me for nothing. And now he isn't working so he sits in front of the computer all day doing nothing. But God forbid I have a lazy day when I finally get off school.

He no joke only talks to me when he thinks or knows that he can tease me, get mad at me, or yell at me about something.

And the worst part is that I would like to move out when I turn 18 but I love my mom more than anything in the world and I don't want to leave her here all alone. With him.

But I can't stand being around him!!!

And he obviously can't stand me either.

So tell me, am I just a sucky "daughter"??

Because in my opinion it is the dad's job to make an effort to form a better relationship with their child and he does not try whatsoever.

And I've said what happens if I try.

So if a child sees that their supposed "parent" doesn't want to make an effort to be around them, why would the child want to do it, when it's obvious the parent doesn't care??

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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