❤I care about you❤

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I can't believe Sarah did this to me. Sarah is my best friend. We've been friends since middle school. Sarah just announced to me that she's gonna be on tour with a really popular singer. Sarah will be one of backup dancers. She didn't even tell about it until today, and she's leaving for tour tomorrow.

"So you decided to not tell me about this tour earlier so you could surprise me. Sarah your crazy if you think I'm going to come with you now," I explained.

"Come on sharon, you have to come with me. Pleeeeeeas," she pouted with her puppy dog eyes.

How could i resist that face I thought to my self. Sarah kneelded down to my feet and looked up at me once more pleading.

"Okay fine i'll come, only if you tell me who's the tour for.

"Not telling, I wanna surprise you," she giggled.

"Fair enough," I responded as I pulled out my laptop.

"What you doing Shae," Sarah asked

"I'm just checking my twitter"

"Oh okay I think I'm gonna leave to go start packing" Sarah shouted as she walked down the hall.

"And leave me here alone" I replied pretending to be sad.

"You'll be fine Shae," she screamed as she shut the front door on her way out.

I sighed and looked around the house. It looks like I'm gonna be alone for a night. My parents had gone on a vacation for their anniversary and I was a single child. Me and my parents lived in a condo in Cali. My parents are both owners of a company called apple (I know I went all out there but yeah) being an only child was really lonely but I did have a lot of friends so that was great.

I've been sitting on the kitchen counter for a while now, thinking about a lot of things. I thought back to last week when I was in hospital. I had a seizure. Probably my worst one yet. I've been having seizures since I was a little kid. It's a really bad illness to have and it could possibly kill me. What if I actually died that day, I could have lost all the people I love. Tears started to run down my cheek. My whole family are the only people that know about my illness. I have never told anyone else even Sarah. It makes me feel bad that I have to lie to everyone but I just don't want them to worry about me.

I heard A knock at the door. I quickly wiped my tears and fixed up my purple cami top, hoping that the person on the door wouldn't notice that I was crying.

I opened the door. A huge smile grew across my face.

"Chris(Chris Brown) what are you doing here," I said surprised

He was wearing ripped jeans, red Jordan's and a nike wind breaker jacket.

"So I can't visit my good friend once in a while," he replied while hugging me.

Once he was inside i closed the door trying to get the hospital scene out of my mind.

"Of course you can visit," I laughed awkwardly.

Chris had weird look On his face. He bent down a bit so he could be staring at me right in the eyes.

"Have you been crying," he asked

"What no of course not," I said trying not to give it away.


I looked closer into her eyes.

"Are you sure"

"I'm completely fine, look at how happy I am that your here," she said laughing awkwardly again.

"If you say so," I replied.

"Do you want to drink something," she asked nicely.

"Ill just have water," I replied.

As she walked down the hall way to get my cup of water. I couldn't help it. I had to look at her ass. I loved the way her grey leggings were tight enough so you could see her perfectly shaped ass. She turned around looking confused.

"Are you coming," she said stopping half way down the hall.

When she turned around I felt really weak in my knees. Her boobs kind of jiggled when she turned around and I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra because I could see her nipples through her cami top.

"Uh yeah," I said trying to forget about all of that.

I walked into her kitchen.

"Woah I can't remember your kitchen being this big"

"Well you must have a very bad memory because you were here last week," she giggled in her cute voice

"Oh yeah" I said a little embarrassed.

She handed me my glass of water.


"Your welcome," she replied

They were A few seconds of awkward silence as I drank my water. I finished my cup of water and looked down at her to say Thanks again but I saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Shae are you sure your okay," i said concerned.

"No," she finally said bursting into tears.

I pulled her in close

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

She looked up at me

"Yeah I know"

"Then tell me what's wrong"

She pushed away from the hug and sat down on the kitchen counter.

"I um" she started.

"Go on," I said curiously

"I...I..I don't want to talk about it," she replied.

I sat up on the kitchen counter too and put my arm onto her shoulder pulling her closer to me.

"Look you don't have to tell but I just want you to be okay because i really do care about you," I said as I kissed her forhead.

"Chris" she said

"Yes shae," I asked curiously.

"I really care about you too," she said before she kissed me on the cheek.

We both sat there silently as she drifted off to sleep

I jumped of the counter still holding her. I carried her upstairs bridal style to take her to her bedroom. I walked into the bedroom, placed her down on her bed and kissed her on the for head.

"Goodnight Shae," I whispered in her

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"Goodnight Shae," I whispered in her

She smiled

"I didn't know you were awake," I said embarrassed.

"Goodnight Chris," she said then she slept again

It was already 11 am and i didnt want to leave her alone so I slept on the floor beside her bed.

Please comment if I should make more chapters because this is my first book and chapter😄😄. And I'm hoping this gets at least 50 views so please tell people to read it. Thank you and I love you all.
Oh and one more thing the next chapter might be very juicy and exciting❤❤❤❤

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