We are randomly zapped to scotland

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Sorry that I have not updated in a while i'm super busy and I needed to change the beginning (you happy helpful hint?(you did have a good point though)) oh and i'll proof read before I post now or at least put it through grammerly. now on to the story


I was having a semi-great time until I got zapped into Scotland. I bet your wondering what happened, well, let me explain. I just got back from giving Apollo a ride and I was stuck in bed secretly studying, because my mom refused to let me study because of my cold, stupid Nosoi. so, I was "sleeping" when all the sudden, there was a flash of light and suddenly I was laying in the dew covered grass with my text book "Apollo's guide to poetry" still in my hands.

"HERA!*sniff* THIS BETTER NOT BE YOUR DOING!*sniff*." I yelled at the sky,

"Well if it was Hera at least we're together this time Seaweed Brain" said Nobody

"*sneeze*Annabeth!?" I said while getting up and running to hug her but, I felt weird and instead of running I tripped and got a face full of dirt.

"Ow... wait..." I said quickly sitting up and looking at Annabeth, "y-y-your"

"I know, just look at yourself we're all young" Annabeth said,


"shut up repair, boy you look stupid too" Piper said

"Owwww! stop punching me Piper." Leo yelled "Wait no not you too! HELP! I DON'T WANA DIE AGAIN!"

"Anyway *sniff* who's here?" I asked

"Hazel, Frank, Leo, Piper, Jason, you, me and Nico" Annabeth counted on her fingers, "and are you okay that sounds like a nasty cold you have there?"

"Nico! now this I want to see!" I said getting up and looking at Nico "oh come on! why don't you look like the Mithomagic Nico!"

"That's because you met me when I was ten Kelp Head" Nico said "we're all about 11, 12?"

"dammit *sneeze*" I complained "I really wanted to see Mithomagic Nico again"

"Mithomagic?" Hazel asked

"Nico didn't *sniff* tell you?" I asked

"Don't" Nico warned

"It is a card game..." I started explaining

"Percy don't." Nico glared

"That Nico was obsessed with before he knew he was a demigod." I continued "He was so hyper and happy!"

"I honestly can't imagine a hyper Nico" Hazel said

"So... now w-" Frank started as a steam train went by, cutting him off

"We should probably follow that train to a less remote area and ask for directions" Annabeth suggested

"I was zapped here with Festus in suitcase form so we could ride him" Leo said

We followed the train, Frank was an eagle with Hazel on his back and Nico complaining in his talons, while the rest of us where on Festus. We eventually came to a castle. when we landed in the courtyard we were awestruck.

"wow!" Annabeth said,

"Soooo are we going to go in or not?" Jason asked,

we went inside and followed the sounds of people talking to what seemed like a dinning hall. We peeked around the corner of the dining hall and stood there staring for a minute until Nico nudged us back to reailiy.

"Comon lets go ask for directions" Nico hissed,

when we walked in the room suddenly became silent

"Hi... um does anyone know the way to New York?" I asked,

and with that remark the hall exploded into chaos.

I am going to get rid of the chapters that need work and if there is any thing that i got wrong like for example Percy not being scared of heights please tell me i want this fanfiction to be as close as possible

oh also if there is anything you really want to see in this fanfiction tell me i will try my best to put it in but no demi-witch/wizards or OC's but otherwise its fine but if you want mushy romance stuff I'll try my best I don't like romance so if you want that be really specific.

Also what position should Jason be in quidditch and should I wait till second year to put him on the team?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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