Chapter 1

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It was just another boring day with me curling up on my sofa yelling at the telly while watching football. It was a match I had been waiting ages for, Arsenal versus Manchester City. So far the game was so intense and was quite ashamed to say Arsenal was down when it reached halftime as Arsenal was my favourite club in all of EPL.

I moved to London about a year ago to attend university. I absolutely love London, although I do really miss the feeling of home from when I grew up in Glasgow. I moved into a flat with Kate, who was my roommate last year when we had to live on campus. So together we split rent and moved into a humble, but homey flat right down the road from Brunel Uni.

Kate absolutely hated it when I watched football in the flat and always encouraged me to go out to a pub instead. She wasn't really a football fan and always got so frustrated at my constant screaming. So it was no surprise when she came storming into the living room right when the match resumed from halftime and flicked the clicker off.

"God damn, how many times have I told you, I do not want to hear your constant screaming at the tv. I love you Car, but this needs to stop, I am trying my best to actually study," she told my sternly. I was actually quite shocked she is never one to yell, or study for that matter. Hell, this is coming from the girl who didn't even study for A-levels.

"Alright, alright. I won't scream anymore, just calm down," I said getting kind of agitated that she was keeping me from the match I was watching.

When I turned the telly back on it was in the 51st minute and Fernandinho had scored a point for city bringing the match to 3-1. I glared at Kate for making me miss the goal and she shyly looked at me and winked and walked out with a quick, "oops."

The game continued with City dominating the match until the final whistle blew signifying the final score was 6-3. I was gutted. Since it was over at about 3, I decided I could get a good jog in. I got dressed in all of my athletic clothes and knocked on Kate's door to see if she wanted to join me. She told me she would be one second but to wait for her.

Not knowing what to do while waiting, I just laid down on the sofa and tried to piece together why Kate was acting a bit differently. Normally Kate would dress with jeans and a cute top and now she's been wearing more dresses and fancier outfits. Plus, the whole studying thing was terrifying to me. What happened to the Kate I know and love?!? I brushed it off as some new crush she had or just another lad she was trying to impress. Just before I had anymore time to think about it she walked out of her door ready to go.


We were just jogging down the street, going the same route we normally do, until Kate runs straight into a lamppost causing her to stumble and fall sideways. I stopped where I was and started laughing at her until I realised I should probably be worried. Before I made it over to where her body was still on the ground there was a guy walking that saw what happened and was knelt down by her.

I took a quick look at him and he was dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie. I could only see the back of him but from what I could tell he was pretty damn cute. I don't know how I knew, I just got that feeling you get when you can literally sense a hot guy near you. He asked her if she was alright, but seconds after she popped right up as if nothing happened.

He waved us off and went on his way. I craned my neck to see if I could get another look at him before he went away, but I had no such luck. He acted as if he wanted to roam the streets going unnoticed. Which kind of creeped me out a bit, but I later dismissed it as my normal paranoia with strangers. Let's just say I wasn't the most trusting of people.

We were able to continue our jog- that turned more into a run, then walk for a bit, then run again type of jog- without Kate running into any more stationary objects and just went back to our flat to prepare dinner, which was us calling for a pizza delivery, and a movie. Overall, it was a fairly good day.


I'll try to make the chapters longer, it's just that this is the first and character building is important but can be dull, so sorry if it was boring!

This is the first story I've written and put on Wattpad, so I don't necessarily call myself a writer but I hope you enjoy it loads!

But I won't do many author notes because I don't particularly care for them.

But anywaaayyyyyy, please keep
reading and I hope you enjoy it.

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