Narrator's Perspective (smut)

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>>yum, smut (I wrote this forever ago and I'm too lazy to rewrite the whole thing so sorry if its super bad)<<

Grell just about melts when hearing Sebastian say 'My lord'.

"I wish Sebby-Kun would call me his Lord" He mumbles.

Hearing exactly what the reaper had said, Sebastian smirks and asks, "What was that Grell?"

Grell blushes at the question.

Sebastian chuckles. "My, my Grell. I didn't think you could get anymore red~"

"Ohh Bassy, wouldn't you like to know?" Grell asks, turning her face so Sebastian wouldn't notice her blush spreading.

"Now that I think about it.. I think I would like to know actually..." Sebastian says in a flirtatious tone. Unable to control himself any longer.

It may not be the best person he could be with, but at least it's someone.

Sebastian then grabs Grell by her cloak and pulls her into a passionate kiss.

Grell jumps back in surprise, only questioning it for a second before pulling Sebastian in for another kiss.

Sebastian returns the kiss, tracing his tongue along Grell's bottom lip. Begging for entrance.

Grell parts her lips instantly allowing Sebastian full entrance into his wet cavern. "Mmm~ Bassy..." Grell moans in between kisses.

Sebastian takes full advantage of the invite and moves his tongue across Grell's teeth, licking the roof of her mouth.

Grell pulls Sebastian closer and traces her fingers along his thigh. Sebastian moans slightly at the sensation, giving Grell an idea.

Grell slowly moves her hand farther up Sebastian's leg, hovering over his crotch. She then palms Sebastian's crotch through her pants, making Sebastian gasp.

'Gotcha..' Grell thinks to herself.

She takes this opportunity to overpower Sebastian's tongue, and gains a bit of dominance.

Before Sebastian can even realize it, Grell was now exploring his mouth. Moving his tongue over every single inch of it. Making the most of the moment while she still could.

Grell gently pushes him down onto the couch.

They break the kiss for air, a string of saliva connecting them.

Sebastian looks up at her, his eyes pink and clouded with lust.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Grell?"

"Bassy... you of all people should know that I've been preparing for this basically my entire life" Grell replies and smirks.

"Then get ready," Sebastian says as he pulls Grell into a softer, shorter kiss,

"Because I won't go easy on you~" Sebastian purrs as he starts to pull Grell's bright red cloak down her shoulder.

Grell impatiently takes off her cloak the rest of the way, then proceeds to practically rip off Sebastian's as well.

Sebastian grins at how impatient the red haired woman is.

Grell then begins tracing kisses along Sebastian's jaw line, while pulling him closer craving more touch.

"I'm glad we ended up doing this.." Sebastian says, pulling her into another kiss. "my lord."

Grell lets out a slight moan hearing those words leaving Sebastian's lips.

"Y-you called me your... lord.." Grell says as he deepens the kiss.

"I am aware..." Sebastian says as he starts to unbutton Grell's vest.

Grell lets Sebastian do as he wishes.

Sebastian loves the rush of dominance and continues to strip Grell until she only has her undergarments revealing her throbbing erection.

The sight of it causing his own to grow.

Grell looks at Sebastian, "The clothes Sebby, they've got to go." She says as she strips Sebastian of his shirt, and undershirt. Leaving only his bare chest.

Sebastian feels the cold air on his chest and shivers. Only making him want Grell closer to him.

Grell traces his fingers along Sebastian's chest, admiring it. "Wow Sebby... You're quite buff" she says, placing kisses on Sebastian's chest.

"I'm glad you like it" Sebastian says, growing harder in his pants as Grell kisses him.

A little moan escapes Grell's lips as she hastily unbuttons the demon's pants.

Sebastian pulls down his trousers the rest of the way giving Grell access to his full length. The only thing keeping them apart being Sebastian's undergarments.

Removing each others underwear, the two only enjoy the moment more, teeth clashing as they kiss.
AN: It's not over yet and even though its badly written I thought I should give you some holy water just in case, so here you go.. *hands you bucket of holy water* use it wisely, we don't have much.

A Long Night In (Sebastian X Grell Lemon) | A Black Butler SmutWhere stories live. Discover now