Chapter 2

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 The next seven nights were the same. I would sneak out, then Lucas and I would wander around, breaking windows, hitting mailboxes, vandalising property-especially anything my parents owned. Everything was going great, even during the daytime, when I would just mindlessly daydream about what I was going to break that night. I even managed to get his name out of him: Lucas Grey. Everything was good.

But then one night he never showed. This coincidentally, was tonight. But by the time I had realised this, I was already out my window and over my incredibly high fence thanks to practicing (in the daylight).

“Well this is just great!” I pouted. I let a long sigh slip out. “Oh well, I s’pose I could just take a walk or something.” I started walking down the long, winding path to nowhere. Or so it seemed.

A small, half crushed can came into my sights as I stared at the ground, or more so, at my feet. “What to do, what to do…” I thought. I kicked the can aimlessly, mentally planning the route I would take, since I had nothing else to think about. I figured I’d just walk around the block for a bit and be back by midnight. Damn, an early night. If only my parents could see me now. The can I was kicking veered off the path and on to the grass. “Stupid can” I grumbled.

I turned right at the corner into an unknown street. Someone had spray painted over the street sign, so it was impossible to read. I think it started with a ‘C’. There were streetlights on this street, so it was easier to see than on mine.

Every other time I had gone out at night, I hadn’t noticed how creepy the streets could be.  I lifted my head up lazily and stared at the stars.

“Nothing much to do…” I sighed. I noticed a row of dark, brick buildings ahead to the left. As I walked past the doorway of the first one, I heard something behind me.

Somewhat bored, and positive that it sounded like footsteps, I spun around. The street was empty with the exception of my presence. Shaking my head I turned back around and continued walking. At the corner of the next building, I heard the footsteps again and, absolutely sure they weren’t mine, I broke into a run. I heard the sound of feet on pavement break out into a run too.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was running, and almost ran into a wall. I ended up in an alleyway, and turned around just in time to see my ‘pursuer’-a stray cat-walk past the entrance. God, do I feel stupid. Stopping for breath, I heard something move against the wall. I froze as a figure stepped from the shadows and felt a weird sense of déjà vu as I realised this was similar to the first time I had met Lucas. You know, besides the falling on my backside part. But still.

I gasped when I saw what the unknown person looked like; medium height, light hair, but I couldn’t see their face because it was too dark. From the growl that erupted from their throat, I assumed it wasn’t completely human, and most likely a he. He (I assume) slipped towards me silently, and now I could make out a little more of what he looked like. Two bright green, glowing spheres. In shock, I realised they were eyes. Whoever he was, he had me entranced in shock and confusion. He was right beside me now, studying me closely. I know I didn’t look my usual self, because of the earlier downpour. I didn’t recognise him either – not that the shadows helped, so I figured he couldn’t be local. Suddenly he grabbed me and held me against the wall by my arms, single-handedly. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. He’d covered my mouth with his remaining hand. When I noticed his head moving closer to my neck, his pupils dilated and glowing a fiercer shade of green, I found my voice. “HELP”, was all I could muffle, before my attacker did a double take.

He stood there for a moment in silence

“Carly?” he asked, dumbfounded.

I didn’t know how he knew my name, but I didn’t really want to hang around to ask. I kicked out with my left leg, and then ran. He didn’t follow me at first, but after a second, he gave chase

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