The Game

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In my world, everybody's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.


"ROSE!" My mother screamed at me once I returned with Ace by my side. I waved my hand to show that I heard her loud screaming.

"Hey mom. Where's Chester? Oh and this is  your sister's son Ace. Can you please point me in the direction of Chester?" My mother quickly attacked Ace right hugs and kisses. My father came up behind me with a hyperactive Chester.

"CHESTER!" I screamed out loud making some people give me the crazy eye. Now my own family thinks I'm crazy oh great!

"Wanna go out in the woods?" I whispered to Chester lowly for only me and him could hear it. Barking happily knowing that it's always fun with me in the woods.

"Let's go." I picked him up and snatched Ace and ran into the woods.


*Xander s p.o.v.*

"Man that girl told your ass off." Cameron told me with an smirk on his mouth. Taking a swig of my beer and letting it slide down my throat before replying.

"Hell. We all know she wants me. No girl could resist me. It's basic logic." Cameron was busy looking at a hot blonde near the camp fire that had only a bikini on. I think it was an bikini.

"Basic logic might screw you up this time because even if she  does fall for you there's someone in your way and it's Ace." Knowing he was right I nodded my head. I took another swig and then took out an cigarette.

I puffed out a cloud of smoke while shrugging Ace off. "You really think I care about what Ace thinks? No. He isn't my  boss or that girls boss." I couldn't remember her name already knowing Im a idio idiot. Cameron chuckled and then got up and patted my back then he made his way to the blonde that was now watching he's every move.

"I'm a bad boy. She's the weird girl my game will be so easy."


You guys at you can see the rest of the story doesn't match with the first part of the story. Don't worry I know this because I am revising and being an surgeon. So don't read on until you see the chapters different and everything.

I have warned you.


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