Weed Green and the Seven Potheads.

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Weed Green.

Momma Jamma. (Queen)








The Bluntsman.


Mr. Hothothothot. (The prince) 

Tree 1 & 2.

This is the story of an innocent girl and her religious mother. (Seriously this chick is cray) and one day Weed Green goes to Momma Jamma asking to go to a party in the woods because everyone is going there. 

Weed Green (WG): Mother, may I go to a party in the woods? 

Momma Jamma (MJ): Why would I allow that? 

WG: Everyone is going!

MJ: You think I care? 

WG: Yes. 

MJ: You're stupid. No, I could give less of a pooper scooper. Go do your chores or I'll lock you in your room and make you pray to Jesus because he'll fix all of your problems!

WG: Yes mother, right away! 

Then Weed Green proceeded to take a mop and a bucket outside to wash the stone ground because apparently that makes sense. She began to sing rather horribly when she hears someone off in the distance singing the same annoying tune. 

WG: Gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal. 


WG: Oh my, who could that possibly be? (She looks in the opposite direction of Mr. Hothothothot, who rides by on a horse and looks at Weed Green, obviously stricken by the huge zit on her nose.) 

Mr. Hothothothot: Whoa. That's a big zit. (He rides away)

WG: I must have missed him! Oh well, my chores are done for the day. I just wish I could have gone to that party!

Bluntsman: Yoooo. What's up Weed Green? 

WG: Oh it's the Bluntsman! Are you going to the party? 

Bluntsman: Foosh yeah, you going?

WG: Oh no, my mother told me no. 

Bluntsman: Man, who needs to respect parental guardians when you can have... (He pulls out a blunt) WEED!

WG: Bluntsman! I can't smoke weed!

Bluntsman: Why not?

WG: It's illegal! 

Bluntsman: Not in California.

WG: Well in that case... (she takes the blunt and smokes it, then goes to the party with the Bluntsman.)

While this occurs, Momma Jamma watches from her room window and turns to her mirror.

MJ: Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most intellegent of them all?

The mirror remains silent.

MJ: Still ignoring me, I see? Fine then. I shall deal with this myself. 

Lights out.

Lights on, Weed Green is in the forest and is holding a blunt in her hand and is talking to the trees. They, obviously, are not speaking back. Momma Jamma is watching this very confused, she turns to the now sober Bluntsman.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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