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AU: Just wanted to say thanks to my friend for making the cover. When I first posted this I had no clue how to make covers so thank you for helping me 😊😊😊

Hope you enjoy ❤️

Text message received at 10:46

I looked over to my phone on the desk. I sighed as I got up from my bed and picked up the phone.

Gilbert: What are you doing for Halloween?? 👻🎃⚰️

I smiled and typed a response to one of my best friends

(Y/n): No clue. Do you have something planned?

Gilbert: Of course 😈 The awesome me always has plans on the best holiday

(Y/n): Sure. Does it involve me somehow?

Gilbert: Always

Gilbert: I'm outside your house.

Gilbert: We are going costume shopping with Toni and Francis 😁

(Y/n): What?!

I heard a car horn from outside my house. Quickly, I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, out the door. Making sure to lock it behind me.
Gilbert's car was parked on the pavement in front of my house. He was sat in the drivers seat, Francis was in the passenger seat and Antonio was sat in the back. Once he saw me, he opened the door and I got in.

"You made the awesome me wait, (N/n)" Gil whined from the front seat

"Zip it. If you had given me a warning I would've been ready." We laughed and Gilbert drove into town. We talked and sang along to cheesy music on the radio for around 20 minutes until we parked. We continued to walk to the costume shop and we entered the building.

"Huh. It's not that busy." I said walking with the boys who nodded in agreement.

Gilbert ran off towards a knight costume and Francis waltzed over to the counter to flirt with the poor cashier leaving me and Antonio.

"Ok then. What kind of costume were you thinking of, (Y/n)?" He asked
I looked around the shop.

"I dunno. I wasn't given much warning to think about it and all the girl costumes are really slutty." I looked around, trying to find an appropriate costume.
Francis came up behind me and showed me a sexy nurse costume.

"Maybe you could try this, Ma cherie." He smirked and I attempted to grab his neck trying to hold back my laughter.

"In your dreams Frenchie." I growled as he backed away, putting the nurse costume back.
I walked over to Gilbert. He picked a Teutonic knight costume to wear.

"What do you think of this? Awesome right?!" He said very loudly as he showed me the costume.

"Yeah. It looks wicked. I remember learning about the Teutonic Knights in history. It was the state of Prussia right?" I asked looking at it

"Yeah. The state of Prussia was so awesome."

"Uh huh. They were so powerful. It was too bad that it got dissolved."

"Ya! So unawesome."

"So... why do we need costumes? Are we going trick or treating?" I asked

"Nien. Alfred from school is throwing a halloween party. He invited us." Alfred was the captain of the football team. Gilbert was on the team too and so were Francis and Antonio. I've known Alfred since we were children. I actually got along better with his older brother who was a year older but, We still talked.

Halloween | Bad Touch Trio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now