The Great Dorito Race of 2016

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(Y/N) - Your Name

(E/N) - Enemy Name

(F/F) - Favourite Flavour

"Ready, set, go!"

Then they were off, racing towards the table, trying to jump any obstacles in their difficult, steep and winding path. There they went, round the bend, towards the Doritos...

Wait what?

Okay, let's back up a little. Why exactly are two unknown people racing after Doritos? Isn't it obvious? Not really... Well just wait for a second and listen to my explanation, okay? Okay then...I guess?

( ͡° ³ ͡°) ~Flashback~ ᕮꗞ▾ꗞᕭ

"So what you're telling me is that we're having a race for our Doritos?"

"Yes my darling cousin!"

"Umm... Tama-chan? Why can't you just give us our packets by hand?" Honey asked innocently, not understanding the President of the Host Club's logic here. Well to be fair, no one was.

"Because that's no fun, Honey-senpai! We are all here to entertain ourselves and have fun and if we don't do that then it'll be an absolute travesty and-"

"But, boss, please. None of us have eaten since six in the morning because Kyouya said that none of us could eat because of so many guests at lunch!" Hikaru complained loudly.

"Well, it's still happening, whether you like it or not!"

"Haha yeah nope. I'm out, cuz," (Y/N) held her hands up in an innocent shrug. She didn't want to be wasting her free time running around like a headless chicken just for a packet of Doritos. But it was a rather large packet... BUT she also had things to do with her time, like... watching YouTube videos...

"If we have to do it, then so do you, Princess!" The Hitachiins leapt up and grabbed her before she could walk out of the door. (Y/N) silently cursed her Chat Noir luck and glared at the twins as she sat back down at her place in the circle. Stupid Hitachiins.

"Fine, fine, what do we have to do, Tamaki?"

Now if we fast forward a little, to the moment after Tamaki has explained all the rules and boring stuff like that, you will see more of this hilarious story.

"Okay then, but I'm not running," Haruhi refused to run. She didn't want to show them all how slow she was at sprinting and she felt that she'd be stuck with a terrible flavour as a result of that.

"Oh my sweet, sweet, SWEET daughter, that's absolutely fine," Tamaki responded almost immediately.

"Alright then, if Haruhi doesn't have to run this stupid race, then I refuse to do it too," (Y/N), being the sneaky vixen she sometimes was, totally planned that.

"You're welcome (Y/N)," Haruhi grinned at her true friend-girl victoriously. See, I told you! (Y/N) beamed widely, clearly satisfied.

"Oh but (Y/N)-chan, you'll miss out on Doritos..." Honey looked at her, sadness evident in his eyes, or was it manipulation? Either way, everyone's favourite non-crossdressing girl caved in after much inner struggle.

"Ugh, alright, fine. I'll just stay and watch 'though."

"YAY!" Tamaki, Honey and the twins cheered loudly at this statement. Kyouya nodded understandingly and Mori-senpai grunted. But it was a happy grunt, nevertheless.

"Why don't we just start then?" Kyouya, ever the sensible one, called them all around to discuss how this was going to work. Everybody understood what was to be done and how to do so. They were about to walk to the starting line when Kaoru suddenly called out.

The Great Dorito Race of 2016Where stories live. Discover now