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In the year 2132, Humanity advanced beyond faster than light travel - three scientists proved that the laws of space and time could be broken; they unlocked a path to a new plane of existence: a dimensional sub-domain known as the Rift.

Shortly after they left dry dock, the United Terran Republic determined that the three ships were lost forever, quote “exploding as their Rift Fissure Warp Drives incinerated the crew in an unprecedented, horrific mechanical malfunction.”

Now, they returned, one by one. The first of them, the Kobayashi, in 2172, and the others, the Nakamura and the Domashevich, December 21st, 2181.

It is the year 2182, and for almost 50 years, the two of the first three ships to ever embark on a journey through the Rift have returned. Along with them, a diary, forwarded in the TRS Nakamura's final moments.

The following diary entries were recorded during the Nakamura's final days by Chief Radio Officer Danielle Thompson. The events recorded may be disturbing - reader discretion is advised.

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