Thank You Ryan Higa

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I laid in the grass, looking up at the stars, loving the smell of the campfire. It was Fourth of July weekend, 2013. Every year, my family gets together and camps in my backyard.

About an hour before, my aunt had took me and my cousins to the store. Most of my cousins are all older than me and they were all getting an energy drink called Monster. I've heard of it and a lot of my friends drink it, but I've never had one. I guess I'll try it.

So anyway, most of my family had already gone to there tents and were fast asleep. It was just me and my cousin Shawn sitting by the fire.

"I'm going to my tent, see you in the morning." I told him.

"Ok, night." he responded.


That monster must've kicked in because I could not sleep, so I grabbed my iPad (me being a typical teenager and bringing my iPad camping :/ ;)

I went on YouTube and after a while, I ended up on Nigahiga's second channel, HigaTv. I started watching a vlog called "Internet Icon with JennaMarbles, Smosh and Pewdiepie!" While watching, I thought, those Smosh guys are really cool! So I looked them up and went to there channel.

The first video I watched was "Draw Something Sucks!" then I watched all of there other 200 videos. I laughed a lot but tried to be quite because there was three little girls trying to sleep two feet away from me.

I did some more searching and found out that they had a second channel, a gaming channel and a cartoon channel. Anthony, the one with the emo hair, also had a channel with his girlfriend called Watch us Live and Stuff. Also, when I first heard Anthony's voice, I thought he sounded like the blue bird from "Regular Show" xD

I watched a ton of videos until the sun came up.

It was love at first sight! I instantly fell in love with Ian and Anthony's humor and personalities! I also instantly fell in love with Kalel and wulas.

So thanks to a Monster and Ryan Higa, I found something that I'm passionate about and in love with.

My parents thinks it's weird that I'm so obsessed with two goofballs from YouTube. If I ever talk about how much I love them, there like, "oh you won't even like them in a year." Whenever I get sad or stressed, the first thing I do is watch one of there videos. Sometimes people who are thousands of miles away can make you happier than people who are right next to you. They make me smile and laugh and they make me so happy! I don't know what I'd do without them. Without them, my life would be so different! My parents think they are just silly weirdos, but those silly weirdos mean so much to me! I love them with all my heart!

So, if you made it this far and are reading this, thank you for reading this silly short story! I hope you enjoyed! >^.^< ~Kendra

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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