Chapter One :)

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It's late at night. The moon is full and shining brightly. Surprisingly the streets of L.A. are quiet tonight. Except for a small gathering near an alley. A bunch of teenagers it seems, are crowded around something. Red and blue lights flash from police cars pass by. They keep riding either not noticing the group or not caring to stop. The lights fade and leaves nothing but the moonlight.

I lay down on my side, on the cold alley floor. The wind howls around me, blowing cool breeze on my goose bump skin. I hear a slight ringing in my ears. Then the song " She makes dirty words sound pretty" by Pierce the Veil, keeps playing over and over in my head. Then moons shines in full bloom. Illuminating everything around me when I open my eyes. These things comfort me, even considering the situation I'm in.

I suppose the moonlight would be more reassuring, if I keep my eyes open. But for the most part, they're closed. Out of fear of what I'll see if I open them.

( Breathe. Just breathe and relax. In...Out. In. Out. It'll all be over soon Kat. Remember what Cam said. Just suck it up, make it seem as if it doesn't hurt, and breathe. Then you'll be part of the family. Breathe. In. Out.)

" Aggggghhh!!!" ( Damn, that hurt....) I'm left gasping from that last blow, and reflexively open my eyes. When I do, I see everyone has stopped. I see Cammie looking down at me, with concern in her gray eyes. Everyone else looks down at me with a mix of sympathy and pity. Except for one guy with hair the color of black onyx and endearing sapphire eyes. He looks at me like...I'm wounded and he wants to be the only one to heal my wounds. It sends my heart beating erratically.

Cammie kneels down next to me, brush my bangs from my forehead and asks, " Kat, are ya ok? Kat? " I look at her feeling dazed and I woke up from some bizarre dream.

" Kat? Earth to Kat. Come on, foolia answer me."

" I'm fine, really. It' big deal. I was just...overreacting. Ugh, really...I-I I'm fine. Go ahead and c-continue with the initiation. It's fine. I can take it, Cammie." I did my best to sound convincing, but I my damn voice cracked on me. My voice felt craggy and too soft...and to my annoyance...weak.

" Kat, do you hear yourself? Sorry, but I think your do-"

Suddenly Joey crouched down next to me and said, " Sorry, kid but you don't fool any of us. We all heard your scream. 'Sides you're one tough cookie for sticking it this long. I'll say I'm a bit surprised." he chuckled quietly. Then he abruptly stood up and all traces of his humor faded. " Cammie and Jared get her up, and everyone else welcome your new sister." he said all business like. He turned and left.

Cammie gave me her hand and some dude with blonde hair and a blue cap grabbed my other one. At first I was dizzy and weak but I got over it .But the second I regained my balance Cammie hugged my neck and almost threw off my balance.

" Yay!!! Your officially part of the family, Kat!! Now I don't have to hide anything from my best friend ever again!! This is perfect! " she squealed.

I laughed and said," Yup, pretty amazing I suppose." I smiled and finally she let go of me, but her smile was euphoric. Soon everyone else gave me a high-five, hugs, and congrats. I tried to look for the guy with the sapphire eyes and onyx hair. When I finally spotted him I saw that he was walking with Joey.

( Oh, guess I'll meet him later.) I couldn't help feeling a lil sad not to know his name but anxious and happy to know I soon would.

Cammie took my arm, and we walked arm in arm all the way to the base hangout. She chattered at me so fast I could hardly keep up. It was nice though, to have my best friend back. To not have distance between us anymore. I was now a part of the Los Diablos Caramelos gang. I now had people to support me, to tell everything and not be scared, and to be loved. I finally had a family...a home...a place where I truly belonged.

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