chapter two :)

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I rolled into my bed, sighing. (Finally, sleep.) I smiled. Even though I had fun, the night was just soo long. ( Well, at least I have Cam back. No more secrets.) After my initiation we headed back to the gang's hangout. It was just an abandoned shack near the creek. They fixed it up pretty nice though. The floor had some carpet, there were bean bag chairs, stools even two sofas. Pretty casual, laid back. The whole night me and Cam were catching up. Since I was part of the family now, she can tell me anything.

You see, this whole thing started about 2 months ago. Cam's parents were arguing a lot. Cam and her sister Ann couldn't take it anymore. Soon enough her parents split and Cam would always be packing, going from one house to the next. Then her dad got some job offer in Fresno. He wanted Ann to come with, but Cam's mom had a hard time letting go. Cam and Ann were all she had left. But she couldn't separate Ann and her dad. They were too close. Even though Cam's mom despised her ex-husband, she couldn't bare to hurt either of her daughters. So she left the decision up to Ann. Ann decided to go.

So then it was only Cam and her mom. Cam loved her mom, and even though she wasn't that close with her still hurt her for him to pick Ann over her. She got upset during school.

We were eating lunch in our usual spot. On the bleachers next to the football field. She had looked at me with those watery eyes and said," It just kills me to have it confirmed. That he does favor her over me. He didn't even try to hide it. I just tried denying it until now." I tried to comfort her, to tell her that if he's too stupid too know how great a person she is that it's his problem not hers.

" I bet he still loves you. Just too shy to show it. '"

She suddenly stood up and said," Easy for you to say! Your family is actually still together. And give a crap about you. Last year for my birthday, my mom gave me a locket with a picture of my grandma holding me when I was a baby. A great gift, right?" she paused, obviously waiting for my response.

I nodded," Yeah, it is. Bu-"

She interrupted me," You want to know what my dad gave me? Nothing! He say me that morning eating breakfast. He grabbed his damn coffee and rushed out the door. Only when he came back inside, getting his car keys did he say, " Oh, yeah. Happy B-day, Cam." then just straight left. Not even a kiss or a hug!" She threw up her hands in exasperation and shook her blond hair in frustration.

" Well, maybe he was late, didn't he-"

" And that whole night, he just watched football. While my mom took me out and baked me a cake. While he ignored me like the black plague. But, when Ann got an A+ on her dumb science project he takes her to see The Hangover and buys her an Ipod Touch! A freakin Touch! While for my birthday, my one special day, all I get is 'Happy B-day, Cam.' He didn't even care enough to say Birthday." She looked down, letting her hair cover her face, letting it blow in the wind untamed. Cam hates her hair in her face. This is when I know that she's really too far gone for anyone to reach her. Not even me at times. I guess that day was one of those times.

" what if he did that for your sister just for her A+. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you. I mean I can't see how a father could favor one kid over another. It just-"

" That's right. You can't see, Kat. You have no idea what it's like! Both your parents love you! You have no idea! No idea at all !!" She had tears running down her tan face, making her eyes look grayer than usual. Her tears were of anger, hurt, and frustration.

I stood up and tried to reach out to her, " Cammie-"

" Don't touch me! You have no idea what I'm going through, Kat. How can you possibly relate?" She let out a sob. " How can you?" Then she ran away. I went after her, but I just couldn't keep up with her. I was faster, but she had longer endurance. I went to my next class, then home. I decided not to call that day. To give her some space, time to be with herself. Little did I know that was the last I would see of Cam for two weeks.

She didn't go to school the next day. I looked for her everywhere. But she just wasn't there. I tried calling, texting, even email. She never answered. I called her house, but her mom always picked up and said she was out.

She said," She always come and goes now. When you find her can you tell her she needs to stay home from now on. She'll probably listen to you. " " I'll try my best."

I never stopped worrying, but I stopped calling after a week. Decided that since she won't answer me, I'll just let her choose when to come and talk to me. She never did, until 2 days ago.

She was in the porch swing. She gave me a slight smile. She stood up, but before she told talk, I exploded. I mean of course I was overly relieved to see her, but I was mad at her too, for making me worry so much. Not even caring to answer me. When I finally got it all out, she looked up at me with sadness in her eyes, small tears running down her cheeks. She apologized for all of that too. " Kat, I am sooo sorry. Forgive me. Please just let me explain."

So I did. She told me how after she ran away from school that day, she didn't want to go home. So she ran all the way to the creek. Her feelings pushing her on. Then when she reached the creek she just fell forward and broke on. All of her walls collapsing, and her feelings out there on display. There was where she met Joey. A kind guy, with golden hair and fierce hazel eyes. He talked to her and before she know it, she told him everything. Then he told her about his gang, and that she could finally have a family, if that's what she wanted. She agreed to it. She went home that day, with her worried mom pacing in the kitchen. Cam got lectured pretty bad, but she took it without complaint. Soon enough she got initiated then spent all of her time with the gang. She was finally happy. Except, she missed two people. She talked to her mom and few days before coming to me. She told her how she met some new friends and how she was sorry for making her worry. They reconciled, and agreed that she still had to go to school , but she was free to do as she pleased during weekends apart from Sunday, and she had a curfew. After that was settled, she came to talk to me, the other person she missed, she wanted me to join the gang. I was iffy about it at first, but after I met Joey and the others I was cool with it.

So now here we are, come to a full circle. She told me everything about the gang, Los Diablos Caramelos. Who are enemies are, our turf, each of the members' stories. But mostly we just hung out and talked about random things. She told me about how the guys taught her how to play kick-the-can, and she kicked it too hard and hit someone in the face. I told her about how we dared Jamie to slap Mark Anderson's butt during gym. Everyone started heading home round 11. We would meet again tomorrow at 3. The only thing that bugged me was onyx haired guy kept staring at me, but whenever I looked he always turned away. I tried to ask Cam about him, but never found an invitation to ask.

( She probably doesn't know him anyway. She's still new too. Oh ,well. I'll find out sooner or later. Sleep now, think later.)

I drifted off, with my dreams Technicolor and sapphire jewels popping everywhere.

*** Hey peeps! srry i took so long uploading. too many last-minute projects. :P well hoped u like the chapter! please vote and comment! have a nice day! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2010 ⏰

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