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Some people say the beginning of a story is always the most enticing point. It sets the mood for the entire story. The beginning of a story is what will either draw in your audience or deter it.

I think that is a lot of pressure for an author. It is never easy to make a great first impression especially when there is no coming back from it.

I suppose I could start this story with a description of what kind of weather happened to be looming over the characters this particular day. It was nothing special really, it was a normal dreary rainy day in England. The kind of weather in which you want nothing more than to curl up under a huge blanket and watch sappy rom-coms.

Next I suppose I should introduce the characters. Well there was Marcel Edward Styles, your stereo-typical nerd with perfect grades and a pair of over-sized glasses that always looked odd and out of place.

Then there was Harry Edward Styles, Marcel's twin brother. Neither of the young twins quite knew what their parents were thinking when they both ended up with the same middle name, nor were they very found of the familiarity. Though that is where the boys' similar traits ran short. Harry didn't get good grades, he didn't wear iron pressed vests and pleated slacks. He had many tattoos and wore ray-bans as opposed to dorky glasses. There was however one other thing the two opposites had in common- they both wanted Niall Horan.

I suppose this is really where the story starts to pick up. Niall was Harry's boyfriend and Marcel envied the fact. Marcel was not convinced Harry deserved the pure innocence that was Niall. He believed he, himself would be a much more fitting partner. Marcel would do anything for Niall, he would loose his brother if he had to- if that is what it took. Though Marcel loathed his twin brother so much the thought of losing him did not really have an effect on the dorky lad.

Though Marcel probably did love his brother- once he looked passed Harry's exterior and his undeserved boyfriend. Harry too probably loved Marcel behind the glasses and his petty need to be right constantly.

That's it really the three main characters, the source of all the drama filed away into the midst of the story. But then there should always be a little more to the story, a side relationship in which the readers can watch grow and blossom into something more. That is where Louis and Zayn come in.

Zayn Malik was Harry's best friend, one of the few. He was loyal to Harry and could not contain his fondness to his best friends bubbly boyfriend. Of course Zayn being Harry's willing companion was not allowed to show any signs of friendliness towards Marcel. Which sometimes proved a bump in the road for Zayn's love for Louis Tomlinson, Marcel's best and most times only friend.

Louis was a quirky young lad with a flat brunette fringe and small square glasses. He wore long clothing that were always one size too big and most people would find it odd but Zayn just thought it was intriguing. Louis was the one keeping Marcel on the straight end when he tuned out their various educators to stare at the blonde beauty that is his brother's boyfriend.

Louis is quite an odd character in this story. He likes to keep to himself and he rarely talks unless to his trust-worthy best friend. Louis just prefers listening because when he just listens he can gather so much brilliant information that has not been filtered through his own queries. Louis was more than oblivious to the fact the boy who likes to be around Harry with the tar-coloured hair has a crush on him. Sure he may have categorized the fact that his cheeks dance red and his words sometimes skip a syllable when Zayn is around him as strange, yet he did not believe the strange behaviour had anything to do with love- a very complicated emotion for Louis.

But of course their is always that one extra character to come in and mix things up. In this case, that was Liam Payne- Niall's friend, who always just seemed to be somewhere in the background.

I suppose most would say this wasn't the typical beginning of a story. But then this is not a typical story.


Hello! How are you today? Sooo give me feedback yeah?

Obviously this story is different to my other stotries in the way it's written but I'm really excited about it.

Cool? So let me know what you think. I love you all!

Imma start this story once I get more votes and what not.

Also this is dedicated to @iramaya1D for making the amazing cover!

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