I'm Fine

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"Maya, you're not okay!" Lucas exclaimed just as Maya sneezed once again. "I'm fine," Maya said sternly.

Lucas pressed a hand to Maya's forehead and Maya swatted his hand away. "You're burning up!" Maya blew her nose on a tissue Zay handed her. "Tell me I'm not fine one more time and I'll kill you with just my thumb, Huckleberry," Maya threatened with a growl.

"Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. We, as males, are obliged to listen to every word the female says. It's basically a law," said Zay. He continued, "If she says she's fine, she's fine. Even if she wasn't, you, the male, does not fight it. You're just worried because she's your girlfriend." Lucas rolled his eyes at his best friends' stupidity.

Riley and Farkle walk up to their friends, Farkle's arm drooped around Riley's shoulder, both of them laughing. 

"Hey," Riley greeted with her usual big smile and happy tone. The happy brunette looked from Lucas to Maya.

"Riley, don't you think Maya should go home?" Lucas pushed. Riley glanced worriedly at her best friend. "Peaches, are you okay?" Maya smiled, "I'm fine, honey. Don't listen to the big, bad cowboy." Maya stuck her tongue out at Lucas.

Riley turned to Lucas, "She's fine." Maya coughed a few more times, ignoring Lucas' plead for her to go home.

"Are we still on for studying?" Farkle asked, the question directed to the coughing blonde. "Uh, if-" Maya's own sentence was interrupted by three sneezes in a row.

Suddenly, Maya felt a sharp pain in her stomach and her lunch rising. Maya ran to the girls' bathroom, Riley on her heels. Maya threw the stall door open and leaned over the toilet, emptying her stomach into it. Thank God for Riley holding back her hair, if not it would have been a disaster. 

Riley grabbed a piece of toilet paper and gave it to Maya so she could wipe her mouth. "Thanks, Riles." Maya washed her hands and rinsed her mouth, popping in a mint given to her by Riley afterwards.

"I think I'm going to go home. But don't tell Lucas! I don't want to give him the satisfaction." Riley laughed and promised she wouldn't tell Maya's boyfriend, after Maya said ring power.

Maya patted Riley on the head like a little puppy, "Good girl. Now, if Ranger Rick asks, I'm going to pick up my moms' dry cleaning. Maya coughed a few more times before walking out of the bathroom with her arm looped with her best friend's.

"I gotta go. See you guys later!" Maya walked off in a hurry.

Lucas turned to Riley, eyeing her suspiciously. "Where's she going?" He questioned. "To pick up her mom's dry cleaning," Riley replied, maybe a little too quickly.

Lucas put his things in his locker and ran after his blonde girlfriend. "Where are going?" Farkle called after him. "He's on his way to a spectacular death," said Zay.

Lucas followed Maya, from a reasonable distance, through the streets of New York. The blonde knew knew these streets like the back of her hand. She turned each corner with no sign of hesitation, casually saying hello to people every once in a while. 

They ended up at Riley's house. Maya, of course, lifted the window open and crawled into Riley's room. Lucas watched as she took off her boots and wiggled under the sheets with a groan.

Lucas went around and walked right into Riley's house. He warmed up some soup for his sick girlfriend and filled her a glass with water. He placed it on a tray and took it to Riley's room.

"Maya?" Lucas called softly. "Huh?" Maya picked up a pillow and threw it in his direction. It nearly knocked over the soup and water.

"It's just me," Lucas replied, slightly amused at his girlfriends reaction. "I made you some soup," he placed the tray in front of Maya who was already sitting up.

Maya took a sip of her water, but spit it back in the cup after nearly choking. Minutes later, Lucas, without realizing what he was doing, took a sip of the same water Maya had.

At 3:30 on the dot, Riley and Farkle walked into her house, their laughter booming throughout the entire house. Farkle had just made a joke about the periodic table.

Riley shrieked when she saw a dead looking Lucas sprawled out on the floor. Farkle ran to her aid. "Riley are you- GAH!"

Riley poked Lucas with her foot, earning a groan from the sick boy. Farkle hid behind Riley. My knight in shining armor, Riley thought to herself.

After Riley basically ordered Farkle to grab Lucas' feet, he hesitantly did so. Struggling to carry the slightly heavier than what they imagined teen, they finally managed to toss him onto Riley's bed, right next to Maya.

Riley took a pillow, fluffed it, and then placed it under Lucas' head. "We'll be right back," Farkle said to no one in particular.

"Okay," Farkle said once they were in Riley's living room, "Do you have hairnets, gloves, goggles, trash bags, masks and disinfectant spray?" He earned an odd look from his girlfriend. "In the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen...  The scissors are in that drawer, I'll get you the goggles..."

When Riley returned from her search for the goggles, Farkle was wearing a hairnet, gloves, a surgeon mask and a garbage bag as an outfit. "Farkle, what the hell are you doing?" She looked down at his feet, "And why are you wearing my dad's rain boots?" Farkle looked at her as if she were an alien from another planet. "They're dirty! I refused to be exposed to and tackled by germs."

Farkle tossed Riley a garbage bag. "I made you this trash bag as a way to protect yourself." Riley threw it on the floor. "What a romantic gesture," Riley joked.

Farkle followed Riley as she wet two small towels and took them to her friends to place on their foreheads. When Maya sneezed, Farkle yelped and sprayed an insane amount of disinfectant.

"Can I get some water, Riles?" Maya asked, her voice hoarse. "Farkle, water!" Riley announced. Farkle mumbled something like "I'm not touching that cup." Riley rolled her eyes and got Maya the water herself.

Riley was about to go back to her room when her parents, Cory and Topanga, walked in. "Auggie is at Ava's house and you father and I are-" A piercing scream escaped from Riley's room.

"Should I ask?" Cory and Topanga asked in unison. Riley laughed nervously, "Uh, probably not." A sneeze, then another scream, then the sound of spraying. "Have fun, you guys!" Riley called just as the front door was closing.

"What was that?" Riley asked. Farkle was curled up in a ball in the hallway outside Riley's room. "She-she sneezed." Poor kid looked scarred for life.

Riley fed her best friends apple juice and saltines. Or at least tried to; Maya kept fighting her. "But I hate apple juice!" She whined like a five year old.

Finally, she got her to drink it. Farkle called Lucas' mom and told her he was sleeping over at his house. Then he called his own dad and told him he'd be staying at Riley's house to take care of his friends. 

Whenever Maya or Lucas coughed or sneezed, Farkle used his girlfriend as a shield. "I'm so lucky to have you," Farkle said. "Gee, I'm even luckier than you are," Riley mumbled sarcastically. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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