To Walketh Like Mine Brother: Emeth and Chaniya

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  • Dedicated to Kate Lancaster

Four year old Chaniya followed her seven year old brother around as closely as his shadow.  The Bull had demanded Emeth purchase him some alcoholic drinks and Emeth refused to leave until he had permission to let his little Dodee tag along. Truthfully, the Bull was eager to have them out of his hair so he caved in rather easily.

Emeth could walk far faster than she could and at times the little one would do a skip-hop to keep up with his swift pace. If and when, Emeth noticed her struggling to match his pace he slowed and took her hand firmly within his own and smiled. “Dodee…. dost thou need me to sloweth mine pace?” He would asked her gently.

She would stare back with her widened joyful greenish browns and cheerfully chirp “I canst keep up with thee for I am going to be liketh thee someday.”  She would decline his offer only on account that he wouldn’t think she was too babyish.  But Emeth was not a cruel brother like the other six were, and he would gradually slow his pace to suit hers without her consciously aware of it.

On occasion the adventurous four year old would slither her hand from his grasp in order to speak with both hands. When something would catch her eye she would stray from Emeth’s side and directly into the path of mules wheeling heavy vending carts. Dutifully her protector would scoop her into his arms just in time to see she was uninjured.  Taking her hand tightly he would say, “Dodee? Listen well to thine older brother…. thou art not to stray from mine vision! Dost thou hearith me?!”

Chaniya would come close to crying and grow repentant. She would reply “Emeth… I’m sorry…. I shouldeth know better.” Her head would droop sorrowfully in shame for a few minutes to prove her remorse. Emeth would tenderly cup her tiny face in his hands and say, “Oh Dodee…. mine Dodee….thou art a blessing not a curse…lift up thine face sweetie. Tis an honest mistake.”

Her eyes would swell with joy and her tiny lips would pull back into a widened imperfect smile. Some of her teeth were missing because she was growing new ones… or so Emeth had told her. She trusted Emeth to speak the truth so day after day she’d monitor expectantly for any sight of new teeth in the gapping gummy void left by the old ones.

Now, the markets can be chaotic most any hour of the day especially for eyes that are easily distracted as Chaniya’s were. Like their mother, Dodee had an eye for shiny things. Sometimes she would pull Emeth’s hand back and point to a fancy little do-da or knick-knack. “Emeth looketh at this” or “Emeth over here” she would sweetly call for his attention and like an angel he’d readily supply it.  Even if he didn’t particularly like the object she was pointing to he would pretend for her sake and “ew” and awe” along with her.

It would take them ages to reach the adult beverage vendor and Emeth rarely liked to make the interaction there a longer than necessary experience. Rather, he’d pay for the goods and snatch them into his knapsack like bag to tote home quicker than one could say “Tash”. 

Despite being ordered to return after the purchase, the two rebellious youngsters were not about to rush home to their demon brothers abuse. Instead Emeth would take Dodee’s hand and quietly lead her to a more secretive vendor who dealt in unusual delicacies such as ice cream. Emeth would fork over some of their brother’s drinking money so that they too might get a treat from their duties. Heavens knows they deserved one the way they kept quiet about the deplorable living conditions at home.

Little Dodee would cringe and smile as the ice cold delight melted in her mouth. Emeth too would make cute faces, although his were more often than not, to keep her entertained. For a few moments the ice-cream let them forget about their miseries and freed their souls to laugh. Chaniya of course would burst into bubbles of brilliant laughter at just about anything Emeth would do with his widened eyes. She would try to imitate him like a small mina bird but half way through they’d both buckle over from laughter.

Chaniya would grab say, “Emeth lookith here… I am a Fishee” and she would make faces into her ice-cream and pop her lips about.  Emeth being particularly amused by this would sometimes join in the fun. They were a team that not even age difference could rip them away from each other. As they turned to leave Chaniya would coo, “Emeth I love thee.” She would wrap him in her little arms and plant a fishy kiss on the side of his cheek.

The joyful sounds of victorious laughter lasted only about as long as the ice-cream break did. The moment the ice cream and all its visible traces were gone their smiles began to dwindle and droop into more serious frowns for they didn’t have to be old to foresee what would happen the minute their brothers got hold of the bottle. 

Bravely they’d trudge home hand-n-hand like two fearless soldiers on a mission. If asked they’d both be likely to say, he/ she is the reason I heldith on to all hope.” Truthfully, Dodee needed Emeth more. He was her lighthouse, protector, and compass. A compass that would be there to guide her for years to come. 

But at least they had been granted a tiny break from their miseries so that Chaniya could learneth to walk just like her blessing of an honorable and protective brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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